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Homemade 3 Ingredient Fudgesicles

Summer is here in the Midwest and it is perfect weather for popsicles!  In searching for a popsicle that was a little more nutritious and a lot less messy, I didn't find much.  So these delicious fudgesicles were born!  Taste Creations theme is Frozen Treats, so how about that lucky combination?

With only three ingredients (and you can make them with just two ingredients!) you can make these any time you have the ingredients on hand.  Peanut butter, chocolate hazelnut spread, and almond milk are staples at my house, so it was a no-brainer to come up with a fudgesicle using these ingredients.

I solved the "less messy" wish by purchasing some popsicle sleeves from Amazon.  If you follow the link you will see what I used.  If you decide to purchase them, I will make a small commission.  This comes with a lot of sleeves, so I use them to freeze up leftover lemonade, fruity drinks, and even a few cocktails (but sometimes those tend to not freeze thoroughly.)

While chocolate hazelnut has sugar in it, you can reduce the amount of overall sugar by using low-sugar peanut butter and sugar-free almond milk.  While still at the dessert level of sweetness, these are much better overall.

Our other Taste Creation bloggers came up with some great frozen treats for you, too!

Lauren from MomHomeGuide.com made Berry Yogurt Popsicles

Nikki from Tikkido made Coffee Popsicles!

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  1. These look delicious! I love chocolate! I hope you and your family have a happy 4th of July!


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