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The Signs of a Clogged Drain and What To Do About It

 People don’t normally think about their drains and how they might clog–at least not until they’ve experienced it themselves. Whether it’s the awful smells or water that never flushes down properly, there are some really clear signs of a clogged drain that you should try to deal with as soon as possible. But what exactly should you do in that situation, and how certain are you that it’s a clogged drain problem?

In this post, we’ll be taking a look at the signs of a clogged drain and what you can do about it.

Bad smells are the top indicator of a clogged drain

They say that you can often smell a clogged drain before you can see it, and we find that this is true in most cases. You’re going to be able to smell a clogged drain well before you see it in action as the smells will rise up through the pipes and out of your drain. It’s going to smell foul and nasty, especially if there is a lot of decomposing material down the drains.

Water that drains really slowly

The only exception to the above rule is if your drains don’t have a lot of decomposing matter in them. If you keep your drains relatively clean but there’s still a clog, then it could be something entirely unrelated to food or other debris. In this case, you’ll notice it by visibly inspecting your drain. If the water is really slowly draining out, then it’s a sign that there is a physical blockage. If there’s no foul smell associated with it, then it’s likely a foreign object that has fallen into the drain, or perhaps even a broken pipe.

Overflow in your sinks, tubs, or toilets

If there’s ever water backing up into your sinks, tubs, or toilets, then that’s an indication of a severe clog that has to be dealt with immediately. Not only is this unsanitary, but it can cause a lot of mess and may render your sinks, tubs, or toilets completely unusable. If you’re noticing water backing up in your home, then you should try to resolve the issue as quickly as possible to prevent further damage to your plumbing system and home. You can ask SOS Drain Cleaning about this situation.

What to do when you have a clogged drain

There are a couple of solutions to help you deal with a clogged drain.

For starters, consider just contacting a drain cleaning service. This is the easiest solution because you don’t need to worry about doing anything yourself. Simply contact the service, book an appointment (urgent if needed) and they’ll handle the rest. Just keep in mind that the cost of a service like this can vary based on your circumstances.

Alternatively, you can try to deal with it yourself. A plunger is the most straightforward way to clear a clogged drain, but it won’t work for serious blockages. You’ll have to repeat this several times to see any results. If the clog is fairly large, then you might be able to dissolve some of the blockages with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Simply pour a cup of baking soda down and follow it with a cup of vinegar. Wait half an hour, then flush it with hot water.

We hope that these tips will help you in the future when it comes to identifying and clearing a clogged drain.

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