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When to See a Dentist or Oral Surgeon for Wisdom Teeth Removal?

 Wisdom teeth are the third molars. While some people have enough space in their mouth to accommodate these, others may experience complications that require wisdom teeth removal. To determine if this is right for you, head here to learn more.


But when must you see a dentist or oral surgeon for this procedure? For that, you should better connect with dental clinics offering wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne. Melbourne is the capital of Victoria in Australia, and its population is more than 5 million people, making it the second most populous city in Australia. It is also home to several major sports stadiums, including the Melbourne Cricket Ground and Rod Laver Arena.


Read the article to know when to look for a dental clinic for your wisdom tooth.


Pain and Discomfort


Pain and discomfort are among the most apparent symptoms you may need wisdom teeth removal. When your wisdom teeth grow, they can push against your other teeth, causing pain and discomfort. You may also experience swelling or redness around the area. If you are experiencing any of these signs, you must see a dentist or oral surgeon for an evaluation.


Gum Infection


Another complication that can arise from wisdom teeth is gum infection. If the wisdom teeth do not emerge from the gum line correctly, it can create a small flap of gum tissue that can trap food particles and bacteria. This can lead to infection, which can cause swelling, pain, and even fever. You should see a dentist or oral surgeon immediately if you notice such symptoms.


Decay or Damage to Adjacent Teeth


Wisdom teeth can cause decay or damage to adjacent teeth. If the wisdom teeth grow sideways or angled, they can pressure other teeth, leading to decay or damage. This can cause pain, sensitivity, and even tooth loss. You must see a dentist or oral surgeon for an evaluation if you notice any of these.


Impacted Wisdom Teeth


Sometimes, wisdom teeth may not have enough space to grow, leading to impaction. This means the wisdom teeth are trapped in the jawbone or gum tissue and cannot emerge. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, swelling, and even infection. If you suspect you have impacted wisdom teeth, you should see a dentist or oral surgeon for an evaluation. Although in some cases they don't cause immediate problems, according to this professional dentist in Avon Lake, they are still more vulnerable to tooth decay because they are hard to clean.


When to See a Dentist or Oral Surgeon?


Now that you know some common signs that you may need wisdom teeth removal, you may wonder when to see a dentist or oral surgeon for this procedure. Generally, seeing a dentist or oral surgeon is best when you notice any pain or discomfort related to your wisdom teeth. The sooner you seek treatment, the better the outcome.


Your dentist or oral surgeon will thoroughly evaluate, including X-rays, to determine the best action. If your wisdom teeth are causing significant pain or discomfort, your dentist or oral surgeon may recommend immediate wisdom teeth removal.


However, if your wisdom teeth are not driving problems, your dentist or oral surgeon may recommend monitoring them for future complications.


Final Thoughts


Wisdom teeth removal in Melbourne may be necessary if you experience pain, discomfort, gum infection, decay, damage to adjacent teeth, or impacted wisdom teeth. If you suspect that you have any of these complications, seeing a dentist or oral surgeon for an evaluation is essential. The sooner you seek treatment, the better the outcome.


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  1. Dental treatment is one of the most important part of health care. Carry on guys...

  2. Nice guide and tips that everyone can follow for their oral care needs. Thanks for it.


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