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5 Ways To Find Cooking Inspiration


(Unsplash CC0)

Are you bored of cooking the same meals? Are you looking for new recipes to satisfy your stomach and your taste buds? 

If so, now is the time to find cooking inspiration. Here are some tips we hope you find helpful.

#1: Take up a cooking challenge

A cooking challenge can help you if you're stuck in a rut as you can be encouraged to try new food ingredients and cooking techniques. 

You'll be able to find a cooking challenge by doing a quick search online but for now, check out Reddit's weekly challenge list which encourages participants to cook something different each week. 

#2: Go out for a meal

One of the best ways to find inspiration for a meal is to visit local restaurants to find out what top  chefs are cooking. If you enjoy your meal on your night out, there is a chance that you might be able to replicate it when you're at home in the kitchen. If you're unsure about a certain recipe, ask the restaurant staff for details of any meal you have enjoyed as they might be willing to divulge information about some of their menu options. 

Visit a restaurant that serves food you're likely to consider at home. Cattlemen's Steakhouse would be a good choice if you're looking for ways to make the perfect steak, for example. And be sure to try foods you have never tried before as you might just find your next favorite meal. 

#3: Sign up for cooking classes

You might be a whiz in the kitchen but that doesn't mean you have nothing new to learn. Especially if you're unsure about the best ways to cook certain dishes, you might be able to pick up a few helpful tips if you choose the appropriate cooking class. If you're looking for a way to cook Italian foods, consider these virtual pasta-making classes, for example. 

Cooking classes are also a useful way to meet people who love food as much as you do. Talk to them about the recipes they enjoy as you might be inspired to consider their ideas when you're cooking at home.

#4: Watch cooking shows

Watching other cooks can be really helpful as you can see them prepare food right in front of your eyes. You will learn about the techniques that they use when preparing particular recipes, and you can follow along in your own kitchen to replicate exactly what they are making. 

There will likely be cooking shows on TV but check out a few Youtube Channels too when you're looking for inspiration. 

#5: Join a Facebook group

If your friends regularly post pictures of their meals on Facebook, you will already have some inspiration for what you might want to cook in the future. But as Facebook is also a great way to join groups full of like-minded people, you should look for those groups that are food-focused and become a member of any that appeal to you. 

You will then get regular updates from group members of the foods they have created and you'll be able to communicate with them if you need a few tips. You will also have the opportunity to share recipes of your own and perhaps become a mentor to those who need a little bit of help in the kitchen.


These are just a few of the ways to find cooking inspiration, so if you're in need of a few new recipe ideas, consider one or more of these options. Be sure to leave us a comment below if you have any other ideas that our readers might find useful.

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