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5 Situations When You Must Hire Personal Injury Lawyers

 Personal injury law deals with cases involving individuals harmed due to another party's wrongdoing.

You deserve compensation for your damages when you get injured. Personal injury situations in busy cities like New York can get quite complex due to the number of parties involved. A professional personal injury lawyer in Garden City, NY, will be able to help you seek the compensation that is rightfully due.

A personal injury can be physical, emotional, or both and can occur in many situations. Here are scenarios where you must hire a personal injury lawyer.

1. When Involved in a Motor Vehicle Accident

Motor vehicle accidents are one of the most common personal injury cases and can occur due to many factors, such as reckless driving or vehicle defects. The injuries resulting from a motor vehicle accident can include traumatic brain injuries.

When you get injured in a motor vehicle accident, you deserve compensation for your injuries and other damages, such as lost wages. To seek compensation, you must hire a personal injury lawyer specializing in motor vehicle accidents, who also guides you on how to complete OCF-3. A lawyer can help to gather evidence and build a solid case to support your compensation claim.

They can also help you negotiate with the other party's insurance company. If the insurance company does not offer fair compensation, a personal injury lawyer or an Auto Accident Attorney may decide to file a lawsuit on your behalf.

2. When You Are in a Slip-and-Fall Accident

A slip-and-fall accident occurs when you slip, trip, or fall on someone else's property due to a dangerous condition. These accidents can happen in many locations, such as supermarkets, sidewalks, or public parks.

To seek compensation, you should hire a personal injury lawyer specializing in slip and fall accidents.

The property owner or the person responsible for maintaining the property has a legal duty to ensure visitors' safety. In these cases, your lawyer has to prove that the responsible party was aware of the dangerous condition and failed to take appropriate action.

3. When You Experience Medical Malpractice

This is when a medical professional fails to provide a reasonable standard of care and causes you harm. Medical malpractice can occur in a wide range of situations. They include surgical errors, misdiagnosis, failure to diagnose, and birth injuries.

The injuries that can result from medical malpractice can be life-threatening. You must hire a medical malpractice type of injury lawyer to help you seek damages. They will help to gather evidence, such as medical records and expert witness testimony, thus building a solid case.

In these cases, your lawyer has to prove that the medical professional failed to provide reasonable care, thus causing harm to you. This process requires a thorough understanding of medical procedures and laws.

4. When You Are a Victim of Product Liability

Product liability occurs when you get harmed by a defective or dangerous product. This liability can occur when a defective product fails to contain adequate warnings or instructions. Product liability can arise in various industries, such as automotive or pharmaceutical.

To seek compensation, you must hire a personal injury lawyer specializing in product liability. There are three main types of product defects: design, manufacturing, and warning or instruction. A lawyer can help identify which defect caused the harm and hold the responsible party liable.

5. When in a Workplace Accident

This type of accident occurs when you get harmed while on your job. Injuries resulting from workplace accidents include broken bones and even death.

You deserve compensation for your injuries when you get injured in a workplace accident. In most states, the worker's compensation system is in place to provide benefits to employees who get harmed due to their job. This is the first step for the employee to seek compensation.

A personal injury lawyer specializing in workplace accidents can help you navigate the workers' compensation system and determine if you deserve more compensation.


The laws governing these types of personal injury cases vary by state. Additionally, every accident is unique and has different facts. Therefore, consulting with a personal injury lawyer immediately after the incident is vital.

A lawyer will help you seek the compensation that is rightfully due. Moreover, they can help to gather evidence and build a strong claim.

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