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Homemade Eggnog Americano Coffee Drink

 It's National Eggnog Month and it is probably my favorite time of the year!  One of my favorite traditions is to make My Mother's Eggnog.  I drink my fill of fresh eggnog and then use the leftovers to make Homemade Eggnog Lattes.  At a fraction of the cost of coffee shops, you can enjoy this drink all season long.

The key is where you want the foam to sit. If you want the foam to integrate into the drink, then pour coffee into the foam. If you want the foam to sit on top of the drink, then pour the foam on top of the coffee.

Here are other wonderful eggnog recipes to try!

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  1. What a delicious, decadent holiday treat. I can't wait to try it. Thanks for joining in the fun, Terri.


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