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How to Make More Time for Travel


Pexels - CCO Licence

If you are someone who has been bitten by the travel bug; someone who loves nothing more than to jet off to exotic locations, then you might be wondering how you can make more time for the thing you love the most.

The good news is, there are lots of things you can do to ensure you have fsr more time for travel than ever before, including the following.

Make it your job

One of the best ways to ensure you have plenty of time to travel is to make it part of your job. Whether you become a member of cabin crew, start working on a cruise ship or take a Boreal River Rescue in white water raft safety so you can lead expeditions, making travel an in-built part of your job will ensure you can always move around and support yourself at the same time.

Or work remotely

If you do not want to get a travel-based job, then ask your employer if they would be willing to let you work remotely at least part of the year. That way, you can travel to various exotic locations while also holding down a job that enables you to pay for said exotic travel.

Say no more often

So many of us say yes to so many things that we don’t want to do that we have diaries that are practically building at the seams. If you want to find more time to travel, then it makes sense that you should start saying no more often. If it is not an important obligation that you must fulfil such as a work meeting, doctor’s appointment or similar, and you don’t want to do it, say no. The more things you say no to, the more time you will free up to do what you really love.

Free up your weekends

The weekends provide you with the perfect chance to travel on short-haul flights to a more interesting location. So, instead of working overtime or arranging to see friends at the local bar, think about how those 48 or so hours could be best put to use by booking a flight and seeing more of the world. Most of the time, we waste our weekends sitting in front of Netflix or shopping at the mall when we could be jetting off to Hawaii or giving a cool city break in New York instead.

Become a local tourist

If you can free up a few hours each evening, then you can explore the next town over to the town next to that, which might not be so exotic, but it can still be an enlightening experience.

Take a year out

If you really want to see as much of the world as possible, consider taking a sabbatical. Save up as much money as you can, negotiate with your employer for some time out, and head off to see the pyramids in Egypt or the temples in Japan because you only have one life to live, so you might as well live it.

Get out there and see the world!

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