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Different Methods For Keeping Your Toddler Healthy

 You have a lot on your plate as a parent. But you also know that the health of your loved ones is paramount. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for everyone in the family, but it is especially important for children. Your toddlers are still in the process of developing many aspects of themselves, including their intelligence, emotional stability, and overall health. So, you need to make a place where this growth can happen. But this can be overwhelming – there's much to do that you don't know where to start! The good news is there are plenty of things you can do and many ways to keep your toddler healthy. Read on to find out where to start so you feel less overwhelmed and much happier. 


Photo by Taryn Elliott


Encourage Cleanliness 

Doesn't this sound like an impossible task? Toddlers and dirt just seem to go together. But if you want your kids to be healthy, you need to keep them away from germs and other things that can hurt their health. Instead of giving your child a long list of things to do, you can slowly get them into the habit of being clean. For example, you can get them to pick up their toys when they're done by giving them storage boxes and packing up with them. This clean-up task may seem easy, but it keeps them – and you – from tripping over and getting hurt or from the toys getting too dirty. 


You should also tell them how important it is to wash their hands often. Toddlers are very curious and want to touch everything. This means they might get sick every day from bacteria and viruses. When they wash their hands often, the chances of spreading germs and getting sick are greatly reduced.


Give Them A Balanced Diet

It's important to eat meals that have a healthy balance of carbs, vitamins, protein, fat, and minerals. But you have to be careful. Predictably, kids have their own tastes. Even if you don't want to give in to all of their demands, it's still important to listen to them about their likes and dislikes. Serving your toddler foods they don’t enjoy increases the risk that they will not consume enough calories for their age. Therefore, it is suggested that you involve your kids. You can either directly ask them what they prefer, or you can observe their reactions to different meals. Plus, there are foods that your toddler might enjoy that are actually better for them than you think, so it would make an ideal addition to their diet. Just look up is beef jerky healthy, for example, to see what we mean. 


Reduce Sugar 

As a loving parent, you may think there's no harm in giving your child a sugar rush here and there. This, however, might not be the best plan. Researchers from the American Academy of Pediatrics found that the average child's diet contained 17 percent sugar. Extra calories put children at risk for developing chronic diseases like high cholesterol as they get older. Their oral health is also deteriorating, leading to cavities and other problems. As a result, it's important to keep an eye on your toddler's sugar intake and try to limit it as much as possible. Sugary drinks should be consumed less frequently and saved for special occasions; water can serve as a suitable replacement.

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