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Danmalas: Flower Circles

This September we are challenging ourselves to be more sustainable in our crafting and to explore nature.  I love making danmalas, a sort of mandala using flowers and other items found in nature. Our Sustainable Pinterest Challenge is being hosted by Julie Nyanyo.  Thank you, Julie!

I was inspired by the work of Kathy Klein and this pin in particular. I love the symmetry and the color scheme that was chosen for this work.  Kathy has worked with danmalas (flower circles made during meditation) since 2010.  Kathy uses this media to help her meditate.  

First she puts herself in a meditative state, and using blossoms, rocks, shells, fruits, etc from nature, she begins by putting down four stones at the 12, 6, 3, and 9 positions on an analog clock.  Then using items from nature, she begins building a symmetrical circle of flowers.  Once her design is finished, she can choose to leave the rocks and fill in the circle, or remove them to reveal the pattern.  As you can see, I am more about the colors and patterns and less about the specific design.

On my journey to create beauty in nature, I have been creating danmalas in natural settings such as parks and campgrounds. The danmala helps me create order in my life, slow down, and meditate.  Using plants from my own cutting gardens or from the spots where I wish to create, I have an enhanced sense of peace and a deeper connection to the earth.

Our list of participants includes some gifted crafters!

Julie | Sum of their Stories
Gail | Purple Hues and Me
Julie | Treasures Made From Yarn
Terri | A Good Life
Ann | The Apple Street Cottage
T’onna | Sew Crafty Crochet
Donna | Modern on Monticello
Allyson | Southern Sunflowers
Jo | Rose Tinted World
Niki | Life as a LEO Wife
Marianne | Songbird
Mel | Decor Craft Design

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  1. What a beautiful idea, I've not heard of danmalas before, only mandalas. I love the idea of making these in parks and public spaces, they'd be so nice for others to just come across afterwards.

  2. Love how you connect with nature by creating Danmalas for your own personal use, Terri. Thanks for sharing this with us. I had never heard of Danmalas, either.

  3. I've never heard of danmalas, but it's such a lovely idea!

  4. This is such a lovely idea. The flower circles are beautiful. I should make one.

  5. Joline10:42 AM

    I love this idea. It would be a great complement when we're out walking in the woods.

  6. This seems like it would be so peaceful to sit and make.

  7. This is a unique activity and something I've never heard of. I love the idea of how therapeutic it can be.

  8. These are so pretty. I know they would make me smile if I saw them.

  9. This is my first time learning about this, and it sounds like a really interesting activity.

  10. Your danmala is so pretty. I love the pink and yellow flowers. I bet this was really calming and peaceful to make.

  11. Richelle Milar3:14 AM

    This is a truly amazing idea! This is the first time I’ve heard about Danmalas

  12. Rose Ann Sales3:15 AM

    I’ve never heard about Danmalas. That is a wonderful art your idea is really awesome!

  13. I've never heard of this idea before, but it sounds lovely. It would be interesting to see what pattern revealed itself each time.

  14. Very creative and i bet fun to make. Love seeing the pics!

  15. This is totally cool, the arrangement and color it brings is just so mesmerizing! Loved it!

  16. I've never heard of or seen danmalas before today. They are beautiful.

  17. This seems very therapeutic and meditative, I'd love to try this crafting method out!

  18. I had never heard of danmalas. Wow. Such a pretty way to use natures beauty! Have a blessed week & happy hopping!

  19. I have seen these but never knew anything about them. Beautiful way to enjoy nature. Thanks so much for sharing it.

  20. That's an interesting form of meditation ~ very pretty flower circle. I learn something new every day!

  21. A great way to use what's on nature into something beautiful.


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