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Planning a Cross-Country Move? 10 Tips to Consider

Are you planning a cross-country move? If so, there are a few things you'll need to take into consideration. From your furniture and precious belongings to choosing a car shipping company to, there are a lot of logistics to juggle in a massive move. To auto transport east to west coast, here are ten tips that are tried and true to help make your move go smoothly:

Make a List of Things that Need to be Finished Before the Move

To ensure you're as prepared as possible, creating a list of all the tasks that need to be completed before moving day is crucial. This way, you can ensure that everything is taken care of and that nothing gets forgotten. Of course, the specific tasks will vary depending on your situation, but some general items should be on everyone's list.

For example, you'll need to cancel or transfer utilities, change your address with the post office, and collect all essential documents. You'll also need to pack up all your belongings, which can be a big job! Creating a list and then carefully crossing items off as they're completed can help reduce the stress of moving and ensure everything goes smoothly.

Choose the Companies to Help with your tasks

Moving to a new home is an exciting but daunting task. There are many things to consider and arrange, from finding a new place to live to pack up all your belongings. Coordinating your move's different aspects can be daunting, but there are ways to make it easier.

One way is to create a list of all the people and companies you need to contact before, during, and after your move. This list might include your utility providers, bank, insurance company, and school or workplace.

A complete and up-to-date inventory will help you track everything and ensure nothing gets forgotten. You can also ask friends and family for recommendations of service providers in your new area. Taking the time to research and plan will help make your move go more smoothly.

Car Shipping

Once you've decided to move your car cross-country, it's time to choose a reputable and reliable car shipping company. The best place to start is by asking for recommendations from friends or family who have recently moved.

You can also check online review sites for customer feedback. Once you've narrowed down your options, be sure to get quotes from multiple companies before making a decision. Keep in mind that the cheapest option isn't always the best.

Ask about the company's insurance coverage and read the fine print before signing any contracts. By taking the time to do your research, you can rest assured that your car will arrive safely at its new destination. With this, Breeze Customs provides seamless importing solutions and accurately landed costs which they are built on the belief that importing should be simple. In some cases, it may actually be cheaper to sell your car and buy another one in your state. For example, you can buy used cars at EchoPark San Antonio that may be less expensive than shipping your vehicle across the states.

Moving Company

Moving is a big undertaking, and there are a lot of factors to consider when deciding to move. One of the most important considerations is how you will transport your belongings to your new home. If you're moving across the country, you'll need to choose reputable cross country movers that can safely get your furniture and other belongings there.

The first step is to do your research and get quotes from multiple companies. Ask about their experience with long-distance moves, licensing and insurance, and rates. Once you've gathered all the information, you can decide which company is right for you.

You might consider getting a moving car quote to transport your car, especially if you have more than one. Keeping the family together will help reduce stress.

New Employer

No matter how much you plan, there's always a chance that something will come up when you least expect it. That's why, if you're moving to a new city for a job, it's essential to make sure you have your new employer's contact information on hand. That way, if anything comes up on your way across the country, you can reach out and let them know.

Emergencies can range from a breakdown or accident in your car on your way across the country, a flight delay, or packing taking longer than expected. 

Bottom line: while there's no way to predict everything that might happen when you're moving to a new city, having your new employer's contact information on hand will give you peace of mind in case anything arises. So make sure to get it before you hit the road!


Moving to a new home is a lot of work, but it's essential to ensure that your utilities are correctly transferred. Start by canceling your utilities at your old house - you don't want to be paying for services you're no longer using.

Then, set up your new utilities before you arrive at the new home. This way, you'll be all set up and won't have to worry about anything. Keep the contact information for both locations in case an issue comes up.


One of the first things you'll need to do is figure out where to bank. If your current bank has a branch in your new town, that's great! You can transfer your account and hit the ground running. But if not, don't worry - there are plenty of other options.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you're choosing a new bank. First, consider what type of account you need - for example, do you want a checking account, savings account, or both? Next, consider the services you're looking for - online banking, mobile banking, etc. Finally, compare fees and interest rates to get the best deal. Once you've found the perfect bank for your needs, you can start enjoying your new home stress-free!


Call your insurance company to find out what clinics in your new location accept your coverage. Call ahead and set up a new patient appointment for your whole family. Keep the contact information handy if you need to call in before settling. Also, look up the local Emergency Department location in your new town so that you know where it is in case of an accident in your unpacking process.

Pack Carefully

One of the big decisions is whether or not to hire a moving company to pack up your belongings. If you choose a professional service, you should keep a few things in mind. First, be sure to wrap any breakables and label all of the boxes carefully. This will help the movers know which items need special care and avoid accidental damage. Second, keep heavy items in small, sturdy boxes. This will make them easier to lift and will help prevent injuries. 

Downsize Your Stuff

I'm sure you've seen it happen before. A family member or friend moves to a new house, and they end up filling every square inch of space with stuff. While it's great to surround yourself with the things you love, there comes the point where too much stuff can become a burden.

It is challenging to keep track of everything, but all that stuff must be cleaned and maintained. When you're ready to move, take stock of your belongings and try to consolidate as much as possible. Shipping a ton of stuff to your new home will only cost you more in the long run.

Instead, use this opportunity to filter through your belongings and eliminate anything you no longer need or use. You can throw a yard sale, donate what's left, and start fresh with a clean slate. Trust me; you'll be glad you did!

Create an Essentials Box

As you start packing your belongings, you must remember what you'll need daily. Put together an essentials box with toilet paper, a first aid kit, medications, snacks, and pet food (if you need it). This way, you'll still be able to access the things you need even after everything is packed away.

When it comes time to unpack at your new home, ensure your essentials box is the first thing to be emptied. That way, you'll be all set up and ready to go from the get-go.

Slow is Steady - Steady is Fast

When you're getting ready to move, taking your time and doing things right is essential. You're more likely to break something or hurt yourself if you rush the process. It's much better to take your time and do things slowly and carefully.

If you're able-bodied, you might not think packing and moving are physically demanding. But if you have a cast or brace, or if you're not feeling well, it can be challenging. So it's best to take your time and ease into things. That way, you can avoid any injuries or accidents.

Take Care of the Bills

One of the last things you want to deal with when moving house is sorting out bills and payments. But it's essential to ensure that all your accounts are up to date and that the companies know you're moving, and this helps them ensure you don't get charged for the time you're no longer there.

Tell them the date you're moving and ask them to turn off the services the next day. It's also a good idea to take a final meter reading on the day you move out, so you can be sure you're only paying for the energy you've used. With some planning, sorting out your utilities doesn't have to be a hassle.

Say Your Goodbyes and Keep in Touch

Losing touch with friends and family can be easy in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. However, research has shown that maintaining personal connections is essential for health and wellbeing. So, if you're moving to a new neighborhood, why not take the opportunity to have a final gathering with your old friends and neighbors?

Not only will you be able to exchange goodbyes, but you'll also create new memories and exchange contact information. And who knows? You may even find that you keep in touch with some of your old friends after you've moved. So go ahead and plan that farewell party - it may just be good for your health.

Have a Plan for Arrival

Moving into a new home can be an exciting but overwhelming experience. There's so much to do and new things to explore that it can be hard to know where to start. To make the transition smoother and more efficient, it's helpful to have a plan ahead of time. Once you arrive at your new home, you can first unload your essentials box and get everyone settled in while the rest of your belongings are still unpacked. 

If you're moving with small children, having someone stay with them while you supervise the movers and unpack essentials may be helpful. And if you cannot move into your new home right away, consider staying in a hotel or renting a temporary apartment until everything is ready. A plan ahead of time will help ensure your move goes smoothly and efficiently.

Here are a few tips for first-time homeowners in this blog post, but many of them translate to new houses of all kinds.

Explore Your New Home Neighborhood

When you move to a new neighborhood, getting to know your way around can be hard. But there's no need to feel lost - Google can be your friend! Just type in your new address and see what's nearby.

You might find an excellent cafe for your morning coffee or a new route to work or school. And once you start exploring, you'll get to know your neighbors and learn about all the great resources your neighborhood has to offer. So settle in and enjoy getting to know your new home.

Welcome Home

When planning a cross-country move, there are a few things to remember. Car shipping companies and professional movers can help with the logistics of moving, taking care of everything from packing to unloading. Taking care of bills and payments before proceeding and saying goodbye to friends and family is essential. Finally, when you arrive at your new home, explore the neighborhood and welcome yourself home.


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