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How to Know You Have an Excellent Attorney

Finding the best attorney for your case is essential, whether you’re charged with violating prohibition laws in Dubai or slipped and fell at a local establishment. That’s because a great lawyer can make the difference between earning a great settlement or losing a case in court. Oakland car accident law firm has a team of over 40 attorneys ready to assist you in your case.

A good lawyer will give you fair representation and defend your rights, while a bad lawyer won’t understand the ins and outs of your case.

 Here are some obvious signs of a good lawyer.

1. Trial Results

Don’t focus on the win/loss rate, as a “loss” could mean the defendant received any type of consequence. However, if a defendant was supposed to go to jail but got community service instead, that’s a sign of a good lawyer. A lawyer that fights for a lesser sentence is often great.

2. Niche Experience

Instead of going for total experience, find a lawyer that specializes in a niche subject. For example, personal injury can accompass various topics, such as dog bites, falls, and vehicle accidents. When selecting an auto accident lawyer, make sure they’re up to date on local laws.

3. Trial Experience

Once again, experience isn’t the be-all-end-all, but it is very important when you’re going to court. Some lawyers only handle settlements, while others know to conduct themselves in a courtroom. If you plan on going to trial, look for a lawyer that has substantial trial experience.

4. Attorney Integrity

There are bad people in any industry, and the law isn’t any different. A lawyer who possesses integrity is able to admit when they’re wrong, deny a case if there’s a conflict of interest, or state if they’ve given you incorrect information. You’ll want these incredible lawyers on your team.

5. Being Objective

An attorney that has integrity is more likely to be objective, as they’re able to make better decisions for their clients. Analytical skills play a key role in cases, and a great lawyer will know what the client’s options are. A bad lawyer will simply decline your case without reason.

6. Total Honesty

A great lawyer won’t make you feel that their services are unnecessary or overcharge you before or after the trial. They’ll explain the overall value of your settlement and advise you to either take a payment or go to court for a higher payout. A good attorney won’t lead you astray.

7. Valid Optimism

A lawyer who isn’t confident in your case (or whether or not you’ll win the day) isn’t going to fight during your trial. However, they can’t be overzealous, especially when the cards are stacked against you. They should be cautiously optimistic and tell you that there are no guarantees.

8. Researching Skills

A lawyer should be able to research your case, prepare legal strategies, and comprehend large amounts of information. With that said, they also need to listen to you to ensure they build a strong defense. Attorneys have to be able to understand a case from multiple angles.

9. Communication

A lawyer who’s a good communicator will be orally articulate, an excellent writer, and an active listener. If you want your attorney to argue convincingly in your favor, they also need public speaking skills. Throw in a few negotiation skills, and you’ve found a great attorney.  If we take an injury lawyer for example, you need them to be able to explain to you in detail what is going on, explain legal jargon and more, so communication skills are key to being kept in the loop.

10. Great Reviews

Look up lawyers online to see how other clients view their services but don’t use their website. Instead, try Google and other third-party sites, like Glassdoor, to get a feel for their skills. If you see a one-star review, try to reach out to the client and ask why they didn’t like the attorney. 

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