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Just Moved House? 3 Things You Should Be Prepared To Deal With


Image from: Kebut Subiyanto on Pexels

No matter where you live, you’re likely going to have to deal with some changes over the course of a few months. Whether you’re moving to a new city or just house hunting in the suburbs, you’re bound to see some changes by the time you’re done. There are, however, some things that people tend to forget when they’re moving. Here are some of the things you should be prepared to deal with when you move, regardless of the amount of time you have to spare.

You'll have to sell or give away lots of stuff

Moving is a time when so many people have an urge to fill their new house with as much stuff as they can. But instead of adding to their new life, this can cause a lot of stress and unnecessary cost. You might have to sell or give away a lot of your belongings that you’re not using or can’t fit into your new house. If you have a lot of possessions that you’re not using, this can be a great way to clear space for other things and even improve your home’s visual aesthetic. You can also use it as an opportunity to let go of things you’ve had for a long time.

You'll have to pack up everything you own

When you have to sell or give away so much stuff, you might have to pack up everything you own. This can be a huge pain, especially if you’re moving from a house with a lot of built-in and custom furniture. But if you don’t pack things correctly, you could damage things or your new house.  Here are some things to keep in mind: 


  • You want to pack furniture loosely and put books in boxes or binders. 

  • You don’t want to pack delicate things like paintings or sculptures in boxes, as you could damage them. 

  • You also don’t want to be unnecessarily stressed about the process. Pack Everything Out, hire movers, or enlist a friend or neighbor to help you pack up and load your car, and you’ll be ready to move in no time.

You'll have to figure out your utilities and handyman contacts

Moving is a great time to upgrade your internet and cable services, but you might not have time to switch providers or set up an entirely new system. With so much to do, you might forget to switch providers on your internet or TV hook-ups. This can cause a lot of frustration and money spent trying to figure out why you can’t connect. And if you’re moving in the middle of the month, you might have to stay with the same provider for a few extra days. On top of this, it’s important to make sure that you familiarise yourself with a local plumber and electrician should disaster strike.


Moving is stressful and can be a lot to handle, even if you have a few months to prepare. There are a few things that you’ll need to be prepared for during your move, and you’ll want to make sure you don’t forget about any of them.

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