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9 Ways to Pack Smart When Going on a Mountain Hike

 When it comes to packing for a mountain hike, many people make the mistake of overpacking. This can make your backpack cumbersome and slow you down on the trail. You may face even more problems like difficulty breathing or excessive sweating if you don't work out often or are over fifty years of age. The key is to pack smart, bringing only what you need and leaving the rest at home. Here are nine tips for packing smart when going on a mountain hike.

Make a List

Start by making a list of everything you need for your hike. Include items like food, water, shelter, clothing, first-aid, and tools. Once you have your list, go through it and prioritize the items based on their importance. For example, food and water should be at the top of the list, while items like extra clothes can be lower on the list.

Choose the Right Backpack

Make sure the backpack you choose is comfortable and has enough space to fit everything you need. It should also have a good suspension system to distribute the weight evenly. 

When shopping, consider these factors:

  • The size of the pack compared to your body

  • The frame type.

  • The amount of padding.

  • The number and location of pockets and compartments.

  • The type of closure system it has.

Pack Light

Remember that you will have to carry everything you pack on your back, so try to keep the weight down. If an item is not absolutely essential, leave it at home. Be sure to pack enough food and water, though, as these are essential for survival. A good rule of thumb is to pack no more than one pound (0.5 kg) of gear per day of hiking.

Consider Your Clothing

The clothing you bring will depend on the time of year and the weather conditions you expect to encounter. In general, you should pack light, breathable, quick-drying clothes. Avoid woolen clothes as they take a long time to dry and can leave you feeling cold if it gets wet. Instead, choose cotton or synthetic fabrics. You will also need a rain jacket and pants regardless of the season.  If you're going on the self guided Tour du Mont Blanc, you might even need a thicker jacket.

Don't Forget the Ten Essentials

These ten essentials are must-haves for survival:

  1. A map

  2. A compass

  3. A flashlight

  4. Matches

  5. Extra food

  6. Extra water

  7. extra clothes

  8. A fire starter

  9. A first-aid kit

  10. A whistle

Make sure you pack all of these items before heading out on your hike.

Pack Your Food and Water

You will need to bring enough food and water for the entire hike and some extra if you get lost or stranded. The amount you need will depend on the length of the hike and the weather conditions. A good rule of thumb is to bring one gallon (3.8 L) of water per person per day and enough food for an extra day.

Choose the Right Footwear

Your footwear is extremely important when hiking, as it can make or break your experience. Make sure you choose comfortable shoes or boots that fit well and provide good support. Avoid sandals or open-toed shoes as they offer little protection from the elements.

Protect Your Electronics

Waterproof cases or Ziploc bags are a good option for keeping items like cell phones and cameras safe.

Don't Forget the First-Aid Kit

Pack pain medication, antiseptic wipes, gauze, bandages, and similar essentials you might need to treat minor injuries. Don't forget to include a copy of your insurance card in case of a more serious injury. Consider NAD IV therapy to boost your energy levels if you're feeling low on energy before the hike.

Final Word

Planning before a hike is crucial to enjoying your outing and staying fit. We are sure the above tips will help.

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