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Why the Kitchen is the Heart of the Home

Depending on the type of home you have, you might notice that you, your family, and your friends often congregate in the kitchen. The dining table can be where homework is done, businesses are started, and meals are cooked. 

The kitchen was originally designed just for cooking meals, but over time the interior of houses was modified to fit in a dining table, seating, and more. 

It became the heart of the home, which is why when we think about ways to make our homes more enjoyable and increase the value when sold, kitchen remodeling is one of the first things we think about. 

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

But why is the kitchen the heart of the home? 


If you think about the kitchen, most of the time, a lot of learning happens there. Kids learn to bake cakes and bread; they watch parents create dishes from scratch (or simply put things in the oven). 

When kids learn to bake and make it in the kitchen, it becomes somewhere in the home that gives them a good feeling - and parents can get it too. 

Sure it gets messy, and sometimes baking cupcakes is more like a military operation than fun - but overall, the kitchen is a great space for learning life skills. 

Start and End 

When we get up in the morning, the first place most people head to is the kitchen. Pressing start on the coffee machine, boiling the kettle, pouring cereal, or spreading butter across hot toast. 

Your day starts in the kitchen, and most likely, it ends in the kitchen too. 

Before you head to bed, the last of the dishes are rinsed under the tap or placed in the dishwasher, cups go back in the cupboard - and your bedside glass of water is filled up. 

A good portion of the middle of the day might also take place in the kitchen too. 


The kitchen table can be the site where secrets are spilled too. When friends and family come over to talk and sip warm cups of tea or coffee, the kitchen can be the place where conversations are had, and secrets are shared. 

Some are good, some aren’t, but most of the time, the kitchen is the site for deep conversations and a lot of heartfelt chat. 


Even if you can't boil an egg, your cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer are filled with the food that you and your family need to be nourished and healthy. 

And if you can cook, the kitchen is where the family cooks will practice new dishes, perfect old ones, and create food that will keep everyone's tummies filled up and be happy and healthy. 

While not every dish is made with the same amount of care because lives are busy, the sentiment is the same - making sure everyone in the home is nourished. 


Busy lives seem to be more common in modern life, and sometimes when you are looking for a few moments of quiet, the kitchen offers a little bit of solace. 

If you like to try new things and love coffee, then this post is one for you: The Strangest Types Of Coffee That You Should Be Trying.

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