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Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

National Pancake Week is February 27-March 5 this year and I wanted you to have some wonderful pancake ideas to try. You will not be disappointed with the list that I am sharing below!

National Pancake Week as a holiday didn't begin all that long ago.  In 1989, the holiday was designated to start 49 days before Easter.  Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday which is the first official day of Lent, is a perfect and traditional time to enjoy pancakes.  In our house, that means traditional pancakes served with a wedge of cheddar cheese.  What traditions do you have at your house?

These cinnamon roll pancakes are delicious enough to be dessert!
Check out these amazing recipes from our other pancake makers!

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  1. What a fun way to serve pancakes, Terri. You have me wishing I still had little ones at home because I know my girls would have loved your cinnamon roll pancakes!

  2. These would definitely be a crowd pleaser!

  3. Who says you can't have your pancake and cinnamon roll too!!

  4. wow, simple and delicious!


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