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Hot Chocolate Oatmeal

January is National Oatmeal Month. I love oatmeal and I created this dish to celebrate the two things I love the most in January, hot chocolate and oatmeal.  Two of my favorite most comforting foods!

Oats are a whole-grain food. Oat groats are the whole form of oats and take a long time to cook.  Most of us prefer rolled, crushed, or steel-cut oats.  My personal taste preference is steel-cut oats, but I like oatmeal in a variety of forms.  Instant oats are the most highly processed and give the consumer a more mushy texture.  Sometimes oatmeal is called porridge.  I used to love to read about porridge as a kid in my novels.  Oats can be in all kinds of baked goods and I particularly like them in granola and cookies!

Oatmeal in a white round bowl with swirls of hot chocolate powder

A group of food bloggers are posting our favorite oatmeal recipes and here are some wonderful bloggers and their oatmeal versions you are going to want to try!

National Oatmeal Month

  • Apples and Cinnamon Oatmeal by Palatable Pastime
  • Banana Blueberry Baked Oatmeal by Shockingly Delicious
  • Blueberry Baked Oatmeal by Kathryn's Kitchen Blog
  • Brown Sugar Oatmeal Pancakes by Jolene's Recipe Journal
  • Carrot Cake Oatmeal by The Spiffy Cookie
  • Chocolate Oatmeal Cups by The Freshman Cook
  • Hot Chocolate Oatmeal by Our Good Life
  • Instant Pot Oatmeal by The Fresh Cooky
  • Magical Ingredients Gingerbread Oats in an Instant Pot by A Day in the Life on the Farm
  • Oatmeal Apricot Cherry Bars by Hezzi-D's Books and Cooks
  • Old-fashioned Oatmeal Pie by Savory Moments
  • Slow Cooker Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal by Cheese Curd in Paradise
  • Spicy Chickpea, Oats, and Carom Crackers by Magical Ingredients
  • Sweet Potato Bread by Art of Natural Living
  • Yellowstone Cowboy Cookies by Simply Inspired Meals
  • Check out these other Our Good Life oatmeal recipes!  Cookies, snacks, and even a side dish can be made using oats.

    Would you like to comment?

    1. Perfect for all the chilly winter weather we've been having!

    2. I love oatmeal so had to try this and it was delicious! Thank you so much for sharing.

    3. I am sure I would love this flavor. I am all about hot chocolate. Yum!

    4. My boys would love this oatmeal. They aleady put chocolate chips into their oatmeal.

    5. Oh I love oatmeal so much. Thanks for all the recipes to choose from.

    6. This one looks delicious, and I must try this. Thanks for sharing!

    7. Love oatmeal so much! I should try new versions and recipes!

    8. I didnt know that January is National Oatmeal month. But this is the best recipe to celebrate it.

    9. This is so flavorful. I love chocolate in an oatmeal. Its perfect for breakfast

    10. This sounds good. I have never had oatmeal like this before. I do enjoy oatmeal too. I'm looking forward to trying this.

    11. I have been always a hot chocolate lover. Loved the recipe too

    12. Richelle Milar1:06 PM

      Wow! This look so perfect for breakfast I really love this I’m sure my kids would love this too

    13. That's such a fantastic idea and simple too. I love that you added marshmallows that's a great touch!

    14. This sounds like a really tasty breakfast treat. I think this would be perfect for this cold wintertime weather!


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