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6 More Areas You Shouldn't Neglect This Winter

Home maintenance begins with paying attention to the potential problem areas in your home. Unfortunately, no home is perfect. They all have a few areas where issues could develop if you don't keep on top of it. For example, your blinds, curtains, and underneath appliances could accumulate dust, which can create a favorable terrain for mold growth. Additionally, your outdoor area can put the house at risk, such as damages to the exterior wall or the driveway. 

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But in winter, you want to prioritize those spots that are more likely to develop weather and temperature-related problems. Here are 6 more areas you shouldn't neglect. 

#1. The basement

Rain or melted snow can infiltrate the basement. A humid basement will increase your energy bills, as it makes it hard to regulate indoor temperature. Additionally, high humidity levels can also lead to respiratory discomfort in winter. Therefore, if you find that your floor is cold to the touch, it could be a sign that your basement requires the servers of a water restoration company to remove the presence of water and mold. 

#2. Snow in the garden

It might look cute, but you want to clear some of the snow out of your garden. Over time, the snow can melt during the day and refreeze at night, leaving dangerous icy patches. It's essential for your own safety to clear a path in the backyard. Contrary to common beliefs, most slip accidents don't happen on your driveway because most households keep it clear. You are more likely to injure yourself on a hidden slippery patch in the backyard. 

#3. Outdoor or basement pipes

Pipes that are more likely to be exposed to cold temperatures require extra care. If the temperatures drop abruptly overnight, the water might freeze inside the pipes. Unfortunately, frozen water can push against the side of the pipe and cause it to burst. Learning how to thaw frozen pipes and protect your most vulnerable pipes can prevent a plumbing emergency! You can also consider additional insulation around some sections of the pipes. 

#4. Clutter

What does clutter have to do with home maintenance in winter? The answer is air circulation. The presence of clutter can present obstacles to air movement inside your home, making it harder to heat some rooms. As a result, you could find yourself wasting energy to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors. Ensuring the heated air can circulate easily inside a room and into other rooms will help keep your bills low. 

#5. Your summer wardrobe

Many small animals, such as mice, seek shelter during the colder months of the year. Mice love to nest in a dark and secure environment, and they often choose the insulation layer underneath the roof or the inside of a garage that connects to your home. But, if you use winter and summer wardrobes, your untouched, folded garments stored away can become a welcoming nest! 

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#6. Your outdoor bin

Most households are cautious of avoiding bad garbage smells in summer. However, while the cold prevents foul odors, it doesn't mean your bins are safe in winter. On the contrary, the local wildlife is more likely to struggle for food. If you live close to woods or green areas, your bins might attract foxes, raccoons, and larger animals. 

Is your home safe this winter? There is so much to think about to stay on top of home maintenance. However, keeping a to-do list will save you many bad surprises in winter. 

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