If you are like me, it is important to be able to calculate a percentage quickly. Think in terms of a sale, a tip or even a grade. Read on to find out why you may want to know this great information!
A percentage is a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100 in mathematics. If we need to calculate percentage of a number, we divide it by the whole number and multiply it by 100. As a result, the percentage denotes a part per hundred. The term percentage refers to one-hundredth of a percent. It is denoted by the symbol “%”. Percentages do not have a dimension. As a result, it is known as a dimensionless number. When we say a number is 50% of its total, we mean 50% of its total.
can also be expressed as decimals or fractions, such as 0.6 percent, 0.25
percent, and so on. In academics, grades are given in the form of percentages
for each subject. Ram, for example, received 78 percent on his final exam. As a
result, this percentage is calculated based on Ram's total marks in all
subjects added to the total marks.
Meaning Of The Term Percentage
means 'out of a hundred.' Percentages, like fractions and decimals, are used in
mathematics to describe parts of a whole. When calculating percentages, the
whole is divided into a hundred equal parts. The symbol percent is used to
indicate that a number is a percentage, and the abbreviation 'pct' is used less
Formula For Calculating A Percentage Of A Number
use of the percentage formula: P% * X = Y
instance, what is 10% of 150?
the percentage formula, convert the problem to an equation: P% * X = Y
P is 10% and X is 150, the equation is 10% * 150 = Y.
removing the percent sign and dividing by 100, you can convert 10% to a decimal:
10/10 = 0.10
the equation, replace 10% with 0.10: 10% * 150 = Y becomes 0.10 * 150 = Y.
the following calculation: Y = 15 = 0.10 * 150
10% of 150 equals 15%.
your answer against the original question: What is ten percent of one hundred?
Multiply 0.10 by 150 to get 1.
Marks Percentage
are graded on a scale of one to one hundred. The percentages are used to
calculate the grades. If a student received out of total marks, we must divide
the scored mark by the total mark and multiply by 100. Let us look at some
Marks obtained by
Students |
Total Marks |
Percentage Of
Marks |
30 |
100 |
30% |
10 |
20 |
50% |
23 |
50 |
46% |
13 |
40 |
32.5% |
90 |
120 |
75% |
Points To Remember
- To calculate the percentage of a
whole, first, calculate the value of one percent and then multiply it by
the percentage we need to find.
- A percentage can be used to
express an increase or decrease in any quantity.
- Converting fractions to
percentages and vice versa is possible.
- Percentages can be reversed. For example, 25 percent of 40 equals 40 percent of 25.
Percentage In Day To Day Life
the following examples, percentages are used in our daily lives:
● Commodity discounts are
expressed as percentages.
● Interest rates on loans are
expressed as percentages by financial institutions such as banks and SACCOS.
● Profits and losses are
expressed as percentages.
● Percentages are used in
academics to assess students' performance.
● The value of goods such as cars and land fluctuates over time. This can be represented numerically in the form of percentages.
For these reasons, knowing how to calculate percentages is useful not only for excelling in mathematics but also for applying outside of the classroom and solving practical problems involving percentages.
Learn Math From Cuemath
can be a divisive subject: some people adore its rigid formulas and complex
problem-solving techniques, while others despise it. But, whether you enjoy it
or despise it, everyone must learn math at some point in their lives. While there is no easy way to
learn math, there are a variety of strategies and techniques that can help
students understand it more quickly. You can visit Cuemath to learn math in an
easy and fun manner.