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Your Baby’s First Christmas

The first Christmas your baby spends with you is special, whether they've just been born or are nearing their first birthday. Whatever their age, we know your little one's first Christmas is a moment to cherish and celebrate.

Christmas Menu

If your baby is old enough, Christmas is a great time to introduce festive holiday foods – and if they are not, let’s make sure they get the very best and organic nutrients. It's important to plan and anticipate what we'll eat over the holiday season, and our little ones can take part in that excitement as well. 

When your little one is starting solids, please make sure small bites, mashes, and purees are not too chunky, thick, or large for your baby.

Here are some suggestions for Baby’s First Christmas dinner:

    • Brussel sprouts - Brussel sprouts are one of the best Christmas foods! They're low in calories, high in fibre, and high in vitamin K, which promotes clotting. You should cook Brussels sprouts until soft and slice them into small quarters or shred them if they are not cooked enough to prevent choking.

    • Mashed potato - It's easy to serve mashed potatoes to a weaning baby on his or her first Christmas dinner. Carbohydrates such as potatoes can provide energy to keep your baby active. In addition, they contain plenty of potassium and vitamin C. Mash the potato to the consistency your baby prefers. To make it smoother, add a small quantity of your baby's usual milk, but don't add any salt or butter.

    • Carrots - Carrots are a great source of fiber and contain the highest amount of alpha and beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for eye development, immune system support, and cell growth regulation in your newborn. Carrots are great steamed, mashed, boiled or pureed.

    • Cabbage - Cabbage is an amazing vegetable, with plenty of vitamin C to help your baby's immune system, as well as vitamin K to support healthy blood. They're also high in fiber and have a little bit of protein. You can serve cabbage steamed, mashed or pureed.

    • Turkey - Turkey is lean meat that is high in iron and protein. It also contains B-vitamins, iron, selenium, and zinc, all of which aid in the immune system support of your kid. Add small pieces of turkey to the vegetable mix.

Nutrition is extremely important for your little one, make sure to do your research and always prefer the organic source and well known brands if your baby is still bottle feeding. 

Christmas outfit

Baby Christmas outfits can be a cute way of ensuring that your baby is comfortable throughout the day.

For your baby's first Christmas, there are many adorable outfits you can put them in. From a newborn Christmas dress to a Christmas elf outfit, your baby will look adorable as he or she rocks their adorable baby Christmas outfit. 

Christmas may be the time when some families dress up in fancy clothes, however, you are free to choose whatever you wish for your baby. 

Babies usually change their clothes several times throughout the day due to spit-up, pee, and poop, so clothing that is both easy to put on and easy to remove is essential. Having to struggle to dress or undress your child each time they need a change of clothes is the last thing you want. You may want a special occasion dress for your child that can be passed from generation to generation!

Regardless of what type of clothes you buy for your little one, make sure they are lightweight, comfy, and soft. The softness of fabrics is important when buying baby clothes. As with adults, babies don't want to wear uncomfortable clothes. Make sure to choose clothes produced from materials you'd wear yourself. For example, organic cotton or bamboo fibers may be an appropriate choice.

Christmas traditions

Do you want to carry on your family traditions with your own little family? That's fantastic! Do it!

Alternatively, you can revive a tradition from your childhood. Ask your partner if they have a tradition from their childhood that you and your partner could continue for your child. If you don't have any or would like to create your own, you can do that too!

A few holiday traditions to start:

    • Take a family photo - Christmas is the perfect time to take a cute family photo. Especially when you are all dressed up, including your little one. Bonus: You can use the Christmas family photo as a Christmas card to send out to your family and friends.

    • Choose a fun tree topper - You can choose your tree topper based on something important to your family or better yet, you can make one yourself and include your baby in the crafting.

    • Build a gingerbread house - Get your family together to build a gingerbread house. It’s a fun tradition to keep going every year. If a gingerbread house seems too complicated, you can just make different shapes of gingerbread, like heart and star etc.

    • Wear matching Christmas jammies - It is such a fun and cute tradition. Buy or make matching jammies or onesies for your entire family to wear on Christmas morning.

    • Read Christmas books out loud - Reading to your baby, no matter how young he/she is, is a great way to develop the close and loving bond you have with each other. There are many Christmas books to choose from that you and your baby will love.

    • Decorate the Christmas Tree - You probably hang ornaments as part of your holiday traditions, and this year the process will have even greater meaning for you. Get an ornament for Baby's First Christmas to keep forever-you'll remember the special moment each time you’ll see the ornament.

Final thoughts

Baby’s first Christmas is a special occasion. Including your infant in holiday rituals and celebrations will help them form lifelong memories.

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