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Practical Ways To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality


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Contrary to popular belief, air quality can significantly impact your health than you might believe. While headaches, ear, nose, throat discomfort, and dizziness are minor side effects of poor indoor air quality, cancer and respiratory disorders are more severe consequences. People frequently think about protecting outdoor air quality, but protecting indoor air quality is just as vital. That said, here are practical ways to improve the air quality in your home.

Add indoor plants 

Plants are nature's air filters, so including a few in your home will improve indoor air quality while beautifying your space. Small plants like ferns and lilies (which bloom indoors) are the best options for eliminating contaminants from the air. Peace lilies, Devil's ivy, and spider plants are also effective at removing formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air and keeping your indoor quality clean at all times. 

Buy quality air filters 

Pollen and dust particles can be nearly impossible to clean, as they are almost invisible to the eye. Fortunately, the most incredible air purifying machines trap and eliminate almost 100% of contaminants. Whole-house air cleaners can keep your indoor air clean by filtering the contaminated air and releasing a more pristine form into the room. Moreover, some devices release negative ions into the environment to neutralize airborne viruses and bacteria. That said, keep an eye out for air purifiers with a high CADR (clean air delivery rate). The greater the number, the quicker it will filter your indoor air. If your budget allows, purchase an air purifier with a fan to circulate the newly cleaned air around the space. Smaller, less expensive air purifiers can still be effective, but in larger rooms, you'll have to move them around.

Control moisture and dampness

Moisture and dampness should be avoided, as mold spores grow in warm, humid settings, aggravating allergies and asthma. Moreover, the hot summer months can produce particularly humid weather, depending on your region. With a few strategically placed dehumidifiers, you can reduce the quantity of moisture in the air and prevent the growth of bothersome molds. Humidifiers come in several styles to help you maintain the standard humidity levels and provide comfortable living conditions in your house.

Use kitchen vents

The kitchen produces a lot of indoor air pollution. Carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide are among the pollutants released by gas burners. Electric burners emit the same toxins and other particles easily absorbed into the circulation in lower quantities. Therefore, when cooking, make sure to open a window or turn on your kitchen vents to filter the air out even more.

Keep your flooring clean 

Pet dander, dirt, pollen, and other particles can be kicked up with every step; thus, carpets and rugs are significant sources for collecting them. To minimize build-up, you will want to clean them regularly. To further reduce build-up, you might wish to institute a no-shoes policy in your home.

Your indoor air quality can improve with the proper steps. Hopefully, you’ll leverage these tips for the best results.

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