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How You Can Healthily Eat Fatty Foods


Image Courtesy of Pixabay

There are many types of fat found in the foods we eat every day. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are the ones you should look to incorporate into your diet. In addition, you should try to avoid trans fats. These are bad, yet they can be challenging to avoid, and sometimes they're necessary for flavor. Doing your best to avoid excessive use of these oils, you can healthily eat fatty foods by changing how you look at food and your cooking habits.

Drainage and Oil Control

Cooking with oil is essential for pretty much everything. Corn oil, peanut oil, lard, and olive oil are amazing to cook with. While some, such as olive oil, aren't necessarily bad, excess oil will add more fat to your food. This means higher calorie meals and higher risk.

Yet as the chef, you have complete control of the fat and oil content of your food. For example, when cooking in a pan, drain the oil every now and then. Some of the best air fryers for large family are proven to be an excellent healthy option over deep frying as they require just 1 tablespoon of oil. Or you can use a kitchen roll to absorb excess oils after deep frying. 

Try Alternative Cooking Oils

While cooking oil is required for almost every cuisine and dish imaginable, they are not all made equally. Some cooking oils are inherently good for you, such as olive oil, and some like lard really should be avoided. However, it could be the case you have grown up with specific oils and cannot see how your cooking methods can change. 

One healthy option is to switch oils. For example, instead of lathing your roast chicken in butter and sage, you could try a drizzle of olive oil and lemon with rosemary. You could also try a non-stick pan over a skillet. This way, you can significantly reduce the amount of oil required and use a spray rather than a splash of your favorite cooking oil.

Try Healthy Alternatives

Once thought of as a fad diet, recent research suggests that certain foods can dissolve fat when consumed alongside it. For example, eating a slice of avocado rather than a fatty wedge of cheese with your beef burger provides a monounsaturated fat experience with mounds of flavor, vitamins, and fiber. 

Also, some common alternatives to butter are making their way into healthy cuisine. These include:

  • Apple sauce

  • Mashed bananas

  • Greek yogurt

  • Nut butter

  • Pumpkin Purée

Whatever you want to cook or create, there are always healthier options available. The internet is full of beautiful ideas and recipes to literally stake your life on, and the more you play around, the more you will learn. You really don't need to add cream to your coffee, Soy milk, and olive oil is just as good. 

Trim the Fat

Many of our favorite foods contain fats. Fat in the right amounts isn't a bad thing, and it is crucial for flavor. Yet excessive amounts of fat are unnecessary in most cases and will contribute to ill health later in life. For example, a pork chop contains fat within the meat, and the edge fat isn't necessary.

Try trimming the fat from around the edge, leaving a little for flavor, sealing, and shape. Always ensure you cook the fatty edges, too, as this will reduce some fat to liquid that can be drained off later on. It will also get rid of any bacteria living on the fat itself.

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