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Home Maintenance Tips to Prepare Your House for Fall

As winter comes to an end, it's time to start preparing your home for the warmer months ahead. To make your home ready for spring, take steps in the maintenance and upkeep of your property. You'll not only have an easier time adjusting to the new weather, but you'll enjoy it more. Here are ways to do it.

Red and Orange Autumn Leaves on the Ground and on Trees Beside Body of Water


Maintain Your Roof

Getting on top of your roof every few months is worth it when you need to replace shingles, check for hail damage or clear away nests. However, calling in expert roofers enables you to have a professional approach to possible issues. Have the roof regularly inspected, maintained, and repairs attended to by a professional. 

As you do this, remember to check the gutters too. Clear them of debris to allow proper water drainage. Note that a more than 20 years old roof needs a professional inspection after a major ice storm or snow. 

Maintain Your Driveway and Patio

Call in professionals to power wash your driveway or patio if you have not done so in a while. A grime-free surface will serve as a good foundation for your exterior paint job. You may also want to start rearranging the yard—clear plants and debris out of your lawn. Trim the hedge, rake the leaves and floors to make way for new growth. 

Deal with the Air Leaks

It's during the colder seasons that you notice drafts resulting from air leaks. Start by inspecting your home's windows and doors to see if any gaps are letting in the cold air. Sealing the cracks with caulk is a quick and cheap fix that you can do in an afternoon. You'll prevent energy loss when cooling your home, lowering energy consumption bills.

You may also consider adding storm doors and windows. Storm windows will allow you to leave your current window panes uncovered with the added benefit of having a layer of protection from the elements.

Address Pest Issues

Animals, including pests, can cause damage to your property when they get in. Seal all possible entryways like spaces on doors, attic, vents, and chimneys. Call pest control professionals to have rats, mice, or other vermin exterminated or safely removed from your house. Regularly inspect your property and fumigate to keep pests away. 

Prepare for More Outdoor Activity

As the weather gets warmer, outdoor pursuits such as gardening, parties, family meals, and games will be more appealing. Start prepping your yard for the activities you've lined up. For instance, repair the deck, install an outdoor fire pit, set up the grill, or set out chairs. 

You may want to consider buying a new barbecue grill if your old one is rusty and make other necessary outdoor adjustments, such as purchasing or polishing your old patio furniture or sunshades. You may also want to inspect lawnmowers and other garden tools to ensure they are functional and working well. 

Spring cleaning should also be on your list of activities as you prepare your home for the warmer months ahead. Organizing your house will let you spend more time enjoying the warmer days rather than attending to chores.

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