DUI lawyers know that knowing how to drive and the traffic rules are not enough to save anyone from road troubles. If you or anyone you know got involved in a road accident like those caused by DUI, the following are some "do's and don'ts" to help protect yourself or anyone's right to seek legal assistance for the injuries you or they have sustained.
Dos in Car Accidents
Check the condition of yourself and your companions if you have any. It's important to immediately check for possible injuries after the car accident and call for immediate medical assistance if needed.
You need to stay calm as much as you can. Going ballistic or sliding towards a panic will not do any good, but it may cause more problems than there already is. It may be difficult, but you need to assess what has happened, the damage after the fact, and what needs to be done next.
Be quick in asking for assistance from the police. Police officers can help document what happened and information of all parties involved in any road troubles or accidents. The police report can be used as part of the documentation in claims, investigations, hearings, etc. Also seek catastrophic injury legal advice from a lawyer to ensure your next step.
Be quick in asking for assistance from the police. Police officers can help document what happened and information of all parties involved in any road troubles or accidents. The police report can be used as part of the documentation in claims, investigations, hearings, etc.
Contact your insurance provider to initiate and file a claim. That's the beauty of getting
comprehensive insurance, especially those that would assist in the road or car accidents; this will make the finances a minor concern. Those who are always on the road are those who needs an sr22 in california because it's really beneficial to have one.
Don'ts In Car Accidents
Resist the urge to move your car after the accident. Doing so will make it difficult for the police to document what has happened, especially if no cameras are recorded during and after the accident. There are instances wherein a party may encounter difficulties in filing claims and defense in legal proceedings if they moved the car after the accident. In situations involving serious charges, having an aggressive DUI defense can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. It's important not to apologize or admit anything, no matter how hostile some people can get. Understand that it's only typical for people to panic and become defensive after a car accident. After all, who wants to shoulder all the blame?
In this circumstance, it's important not to apologize or admit anything, no matter how hostile some people can get. Understand that it's only typical for people to panic and become defensive after a car accident. After all, who wants to shoulder all the blame?
Some flee the car accident scene because of shock or panic. Don't ever leave the scene until the police officer advises you to go unless you require immediate medical attention and treatment because of injuries.
Even though today’s cars are much safer than in the past, you should wait for the vehicle to be inspected by the insurance company and a mechanic before attempting to drive your vehicle after an accident.
It's important not to enter into any settlements without seeking legal advice from a DUI attorney. This will ensure that the case is treated fairly and that everyone involved will receive what is right.
These guidelines will help you get started, but it is always a good idea to speak with an experienced attorney if you have suffered a catastrophic injury. You will likely need witnesses, medical documentation, and a detailed understanding of the law to win an automobile accident lawsuit successfully.