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The Littlest Drop: The Subtle Ways Weather Can Damage Your Home

We all think about the weather as this mostly harmless thing on a daily basis, but we don't necessarily consider how even the subtlest things can damage our home. We know that there are very adverse weather conditions that can cause major weather damage, but we don't always consider the little things. With this in mind, let’s show you some of the less dangerous types of weather that could cause significant weather damage. 

Tree in full flower with a colorful umbrella sitting on the ground under it.


It rains all the time, and while rain itself won’t cause structural damage, you have to remember that any water that leaks into the home, either through the walls or gaps in the roof, can cause a lot of damage that may be costly to fix later on. It's important to get into the habit of addressing these problems. Contact a roofing company to make sure that your roof is as strong as possible. You have to remember that water can cause damage to ceilings, walls, and floors, which could lead to a rise and mold and mildew. But also remember that if you have a lot of water in a short period of time, it could overload your gutters, which can cause the rain to fall onto the ground which may damage the foundation of your home over a long period of time. 


It's not something that we really think about, but if the sun is shining, part of our home could be exposed to certain damage, especially during prolonged periods of heat. The sun can damage items in your home if it is strong enough. For example, it could fade the color of your furniture or damage the fibers. But this is easily remedied by using shades and drapes, you can also install tinted windows to prevent this.


Hail can be an incredibly painful thing to endure, and if you ever find yourself in the middle of a hailstorm, even the smallest hailstones can make holes in your roof shingles. Small ones can be particularly damaging because of the force in which they fall. Larger hailstones can cause more damage, such as bending gutters and causing dents in less sturdy parts of your property. 


While this is a very obvious type of damage, you have to remember gusts that are not particularly strong could cause external problems. For example, small wind gusts could cause large tree limbs to break, which can fall onto your home and can cause leaks in the roof and gutters down.


A little bit of snow won't cause any problems, but you've got to think about the weight of the snow on the part of your home that is not particularly sturdy. For example, snow that can weigh heavily on your gutters can cause buckling or bending. If you have any overhanging tree branches, this could cause them to snap, which can then land on your home.

It is important to remember that if you are trying to create a happy home, you have to create a safe one as well. This means being aware of the potential for damage caused by even the most basic weather conditions and contacting your water damage professionals at the first sign of problems.

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