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Summer Fun Tic Tac Toe Game #pinterestchallenge

 It's the June edition of Pinterest Challenge. Each month, we are so happy to be hosted by Alexandra, the creator behind EyeLoveKnots, where she shares her own crochet designs, plastic canvas projects, and other yarn-related crafts, and On Rockwood Lane, where she shares everything else! If you don't find yarn and a coffee mug in her hands, you might find her baking in the kitchen, tending to her garden, re-decorating for a new season or holiday, or cuddling with her two cats.

This month our theme is Summer Fun!  I was inspired by this sweet and simple Tic Tac Toe game by Tater Tots and Jello.  We camp a lot and I thought this simple game would be a fun way to pass some time with each other or any other young guests that might happen on our campsite.  I didn't make the cute board she did, I play to make the boards using chalk for the concrete pads or the picnic tables. That way all I have to pack is my bag of rock pieces!

Let's see who else is participating in this fun event!

To make my game pieces, I had to find some rocks that had a flat side. I didn't find any at my local hobby shops, most of the rocks there were round or jagged.  I ended up buying this handful from my local landscaper, who winked at me and let me have them for free!  Using paint markers I already owned, I made blue Xs and red Os, giving the game a patriotic look that dominates summer decor, since the unofficial start of summer is Memorial Day.  I keep my decor up through the Fourth of July and then put up my sunflowers in August!

I found a bag I owned to carry the game pieces around (isn't that bag the cutest thing?) along with a fat piece of chalk and we are ready to play this game anywhere!

Last month I posted a Bingo card for Father's Day.  Since Father's Day is around the corner, I thought I'd remind you of this fun activity, too.

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  1. What a fun idea! At first look, I thought these were cookies and didn't think the game would last very long if I were playing - haha! I love this idea and will remember when my grandsons get bored, one can paint the Xs and the other can paint the Os!

    1. OMG, I think I love the idea of Cookie Tic Tac Toe! I love the idea of using this to entertain your grandsons. Perfect!

  2. This is such a great idea! I might have to do this with the kids. My daughter loves playing tic tac toe.

  3. Looks like we had the same idea of making a summer outdoor game for tic tac toe! I love the idea of using rocks - what a fun and no cost way of creating an outdoor game! You go, Terri!

  4. We really do love this game but normally play with a pen and paper. I think my son would enjoy painting the stones and playing the game over the summer. That's a great idea x

  5. What a great idea. I need to find some rocks to paint.

  6. That is such a cute idea! I love this because it doubles as a game and a craft for the kids.

  7. those rocks are very well painted and very nice to look at. I wanted to play a game like Tic tak toe or gin recently so this looks like fun.

  8. What a cute way to use rocks to create games, and kids will love making it, too.

  9. Such a fun portable, play anywhere game!

  10. Eileen M Loya5:29 PM

    Cool idea. I am going to "copy" your tic tac toe idea and teach my grandson how to play. I love that this will help him develop critical thinking and strategy.

  11. This game is a wonderful idea, looking forward to playing this summer.

  12. This game is a wonderful idea, looking forward to playing this summer.

  13. Anonymous6:50 PM

    This game is a wonderful idea, looking forward to playing this summer. -Tasheena

  14. Richelle Escat9:10 PM

    Seems so fun, I haven't played it but I think it's similar to Filipino's "pilot" game.

  15. Scarlett Brooklyn12:31 AM

    I really love playing this game when I was younger, thanks for sharing.

  16. Love this idea! What a cute spin on rock painting. Will have to try this with my daughter.

  17. OMG! How fun this game is! We a going in vacation for some time and we need to try this game!

  18. What a cute idea for tic tac toe. I think my granddaughter will love this when she's a bit older!

  19. This looks like fun. I'm sure my kids would love it. They'd probably do the x's and o's on the rocks too. They'd love it.

  20. My kids love painting rocks. They would love to paint them into game pieces.

  21. this is such a cute way to do tic-tac-toe! my son would really like this

  22. Such a fun way to play tic-tac-toe! I need to try this with my kiddos this summer.

  23. This is a fun was to make an easy portable game. Here in the UK we call this game noughts and crosses and it's so great for all ages isn't it? Even really young children can learn to play very quickly and Grandparents seem to enjoy playing with them!

  24. This is really cute. My grandkids love tic-tac-toe.

  25. I like the idea of just carrying a bag of these rocks and a stick of chalk so you can play anywhere, and not have to pack much. Great camping game too!



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