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Pairing Crab Legs with Carmen Stevens’ Sauvignon Blanc #winePW

This month the host of #WinePW decided our theme was to find and try wine by BIPOC wine makers. BIPOC stands for black, Indigenous, and people of color. When I heard about the story of Carmen Stevens and her winemaking journey, I knew I wanted to explore her wines more thoroughly.

Carmen Stevens was the first person of color in South Africa to graduate from Elsenberg in 1995, after facing discrimination at all turns. She went to work for Distell Cellars, where she flourished. Even with her success, she was turned down for a management position with the company so she resigned, finding work with other vineyards and more success. Her big break came when Angel Wines offered her a position as winemaker with them and she accepted.  She was their 2015 Winemaker of the Year.

Close to my heart is her foundation with Angel Wines where she feeds students from six schools in the area where she grew up, providing the foundation for learning for these kids. 

We chose the Sauvignon Blanc wine to go with our fresh crab legs. We steamed the crab and served it with butter and lemon.  A simple pairing but so extra delicious with the Carmen Stevens Sauv.  This white wine was citrusy with bright tastes of green apple.  It would be a perfect summer sipper wine. This wine is still in its youth, so you can keep it for later to let it develop.  We served it chilled, so the crisp flavors really shone through.

We are members of NakedWine.com and the Angel Wines foundation.  The bottle was $10 on sale.

Check out these other BIPOC winemakers and the pairings they made!  

We’ll also be gathering on Twitter on Saturday, February 13th at 8 am PT/ 11 am ET to share our finds. Feel free to join us by following #WinePW.  Here are some of what you can look forward to hearing about:

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  1. Thanks for sharing about Carmen Stevens wines. I have never heard of them. I can't wait to track some down. And those crab legs?!?! I'll take some of those, too.

  2. I haven't heard of Angel Wines foundation....on my way to research. Thanks.

  3. Pooder dooder....they are all sold out....do they offer this each year?

    1. She is featured consistently through Angel wines. I wish I knew the stock was low and I would have purchased more myself.

  4. What a fantastic story. The wine sounds delicious and those crab legs....Yum!

  5. I was not familiar with her so thank you for sharing her story. And just love the foundation. Drinking wine is fine, but drinking wine for a cause is even better.

  6. What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing Carmen Stevens story and how lovely to know the proceeds go to such a good cause. The crab legs look heavenly as well.

  7. Another inspiring story! Our group has shared many this month. Good to see. Sauv Blanc and crab legs sound perfect together.

  8. I loved this piece and learning about the winemaker. I had never heard of Carmen Stevens and her foundation. Nothing could be more important than helping children to eat good foods so they can learn. I'm all in on this one. Where do I sign up? The wine itself and your crab legs had me dreaming of summer. Thank you for this great information about a winemaker I did not know. Cheers to you, Susannah

  9. Great story and delicious pairing!

  10. This is a lovely story and I'd definitely like to try this wine.


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