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Improve Your Mental Health With Smart House Plants

 Ways to improve your mental health include exercise, healthy eating, and mindfulness, but you can also add houseplants to the list. Most green houseplants are excellent for absorbing toxins from the room's air. These toxins can affect your mental wellness without you realizing it and could be a contributing factor to stress and anxiety, but green plants clean and oxygenate the air. 

Snake Plants

If you want to improve your mental wellbeing you might not think a Snake Plant is the way to do it, aren't snakes dangerous, poisonous, stressful? The answer is yes, but luckily this plant only looks like a snake with its green leaves and white edging. 

The similarity to stressful snakes ends there. The fact is snake plants are excellent for your mental health, they're super easy to keep and purify the air from harmful toxins like benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. Unfortunately they are harmful to pets. 

Monstera Deliciosa 

If you like monsters then you'll love the Monstera. It's a tall plant with big leaves that are an unusual shape. They might look tropical to you or like an abstract painting, but they will definitely draw the eye of visitors.

The Monstera is an excellent house plant for beginners. It requires very little maintenance, only needs watered once every two weeks, and is very instagramable. This plant is not safe for pets but does clean the air for humans and improves your mental health. 

Bonsai Tree

Bonsai Trees are traditionally from Japan where they have a long tradition as an art form. Known for their miniature-everything in technology, perhaps bonsai trees watered the first expression of the culture's tendency. In short, bonsai trees are mini trees in tiny pots.

Although it is an art form and may take time to perfect, a bonsai tree is an excellent addition to your home. What could be more pleasant than enjoying the presence of an outdoor tree in your front room. The creative aspect is also excellent for your mental wellbeing. 


The Pathos plant looks neat and delicate. It has long fine stems and flat green leaves. This plant is usually grown in a small pot and displayed on desks in home offices or on window sills. To create a green space with plenty of air purifying potential grab a Pathos. 

The Pathos plant is also very easy to keep. You will only have to water this plant once every few weeks and it adapts well to most home environments. Even low light areas are sufficient. This plant is also harmful to pets but good for the air and provides excellent propagation value. 


The Dracaena is a hardy and low maintenance plant that looks like a dragon's tongue. That means the leaves are curly and split. The plant's color is dark green, again like a dragon, and it grows in a tall upwards direction. 

The Dracaena is ideal if you have a busy lifestyle and you want a plant that's low maintenance but looks great. The Dracaena also absorbs lots of harmful toxins from the room's air and helps to oxygenate your brain. 

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