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Food Gifts: Simple Fudge

Have you seen the simple fudge recipe that is all over the internet yet?  I am here to share with you if you haven't:  how to make simple (and failproof!) fudge!

There really isn't a "recipe" per se, but just a couple of things to do.  So here goes:  you need one 16 oz. container of prepared frosting and one 18 oz. container of nut butter.  Microwave them until they are liquid.  Pour together and stir until blended.  Pour into a 9 by 9" pan prepared with waxed paper.  Cool, remove from pan, and cut into one-inch cubes.   That's it!

To give this post a bit more oomph, I have created a list of several combinations of frosting and nut butters so that you can be creative with your fudge!  

Check out the other wonderful ideas for food gifts from these terrific bloggers: 

Food Gifts

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  1. Wow it looks delicious.

  2. I will admit, I am not a fan of fudge but I think I would love the vanilla/nutella ones!

  3. What a fun and easy recipe! YUM!

  4. They are so easy to make. A must try. My daughter loves fudge. Also love the Mr. and Mrs. Claus. I should get one.

  5. Your fudge will look delicious! I'm not much of a sweet tooth, but this fudge is great!
    Thanks for visiting! Hope you will have a great week!

  6. Fudge is a great gift idea. Love all the flavor options!

  7. I've made fudge a few times but never with this method - love how easy it is! Great for easy holiday gifts!

  8. You had me at peanut butter fudge. It's my hands down fave fudge of all time.


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