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Sweet Pumpkin Persimmon Bread #FamilyBakingChallenge

 My second recipe for the #FamilyBakingChallenge was the Sweet Pumpkin Persimmon Bread.  I wasn't sure how I would like it as persimmons are not a part of my regular fruit choices.  However, with the amount of fiber a persimmon has, I should really have them more often!  Here's how to make a beautiful loaf of persimmon bread.

First, persimmons are best when they are very ripe. To prepare the fruit for baking, I cut out the green top, and cut each persimmon in fourths, and popped them into the food processor.  I pulsed the fruit until it was mostly smooth with some smaller chunks.  I set the fruit aside.

I used the recipe found here. I made two changes, one was that I omitted the raisins and added a cup of white chocolate chips and I used untoasted walnuts.  In the recipe, the pan prep is just cooking spray, but I greased and floured the pans as persimmons are sticky.

The bread is absolutely delicious.  It has a sticky texture similar to fruit cake.  The white chocolate chips are a good replacement for the thick frosting in the original recipe.  Small pieces are enough as the recipe makes a rich bread.

This is a good gift-giving bread.  It's unique and something that the recipient wouldn't make for themselves.

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  1. I have never had a persimmon yet cooked with it. I need to know where to buy them and when is it in season. I would love to try that bread it looks so hearty.

  2. Oooo I've never had bread like this. I am sure I'd like it since I'm big on pumpkin stuff.

  3. Oh my goodness this sounds delicious. I bought two persimmons but forgot to use them before they went bad. Still haven't tried them.

  4. Love persimmons but I never know what to do with them. I bet this bread smells amazing. I may have to add it to my winter baking. Thanks for the recipe

  5. This bread looks really yummy. I love trying new pumpkin recipes.

  6. Now this looks like it would taste absolutely incredible. What an amazing idea for bread!

  7. This bread sounds and looks incredible! I love persimmons but never know how to cook with them. Great recipe.

  8. Yum! The Sweet Pumpkin Persimmon bread sounds delicious! It's so pretty, too.

  9. This looks amazing! I have recently gotten very into pumpkin everything! I will be trying this!

  10. Nikki Wayne3:16 AM

    The texture sounds delicious,even though I haven't tried eating persimmon.

  11. I have never liked fruit cake like desserts but I can definitely jump on board with this one! This looks absolutely delicious!

  12. Wow, this sure does look delicious. I'm going to need to make it. I've never tried it before, so I'm interested to see how it tastes.

  13. Kita Bryant11:09 PM

    I would love to try your recipe. I am always baking this time of year.

  14. I am drooling over this pumpkin persimmon bread! It sounds amazing!

  15. I don't think I've ever had a persimmon before . This bread sounds like it would be tasty, I especially like that you've added white chocolate chips to the recipe.

  16. Oooh, I'm intrigued. I just made a pumpkin bread for Thanksgiving but it was lighter, less like a fruit cake. I'm interested in trying out this heavier cake for Christmas. Thanks!


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