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Bennett Springs State Park (Missouri)

 We took off for our third camping trip of the summer and camped at Hidden Valley Outfitters in Lebanon, Missouri, near Bennett Springs State Park.  It was a great, if not blistering hot, trip that we both enjoyed.

Let me share with you about Hidden Valley Outfitters.  We camped there on a recommendation from our Facebook group, Missouri Campers.  Several members love this campground and go on an annual basis.  The online reservation system works well.  You will see that not only is it a campground, but it is also a place that does float trips down the river that is right beside the campground.  We arrived on a Friday when most of the trips were pulling out of the water.  We set up camp and wandered down to the river to check it out. 

What a pleasant surprise! The river was crystal clear, somewhat cold, and there were several people sitting right in the water, which came to about mid-thigh in the middle. There were a few people canoeing and some on rafts.  Our plan was to sit in the river on Saturday and soak up some of the beautiful sunshine and enjoy the water.  

The campsite itself was well arranged with a plot of grass and another of concrete.  The picnic table was bolted to the concrete as was the firepit.  We had plenty of room to put our teardrop exactly where we wanted it.  We set up camp and had our usual charcuterie tray and a glass of wine to celebrate!

On Saturday morning we went to the actual State Park.  We shopped in their Park store which was well stocked and manned.  We grabbed a small snack and went to the river to watch the fly fishermen and women. We saw a few fish being caught.  We drove through the campground and saw many places with easy access to the water.  Some swimmers, floaters, canoes, and fishermen were in the water all at the same time. We sat and watched the action, but preferred to stay a bit away from the action. The park is hundreds of acres and all of it heavily wooded, with trails and even a church in the middle of the park!

It is one of the most peaceful places to be and one of Missouri's earliest state parks. I remember going there with my dad during trout season.  I highly recommend Bennett Springs State Park and Hidden Valley Outfitters for one of your Missouri camping trips!


  1. What a lovely state park. I'm really enjoying exploring state parks in our area too.

  2. This looks like such a beautiful location to spend some time. The water makes me just want to sit at the shore and perhaps do some reading, something very relaxing about the sound of water I think.

  3. That's the kind of place that I could spend days at. All that fishing and natural beauty is more than enough to keep me occupied.

  4. This is such a pretty spot. I've always been a fan of state parks. I'd love to relax here one day.

  5. It looks like you had such a great time and the grounds and park sre so nice. I would love to go to that park if I get to Missouri.

  6. What a gorgeous place and it looks like you had so much fun. Love visiting state parks and hope to check this one out next time we are in missouri.

  7. My friends mom wants to travel the country to find different state parks. This is definitely one I should tell her about!

  8. Sounds like a nice time, and a lovely location! Way to make the most of a nice day!

  9. What a beautiful place! This is the kind of place where I would like to have a relax day!

  10. This looks like such a fun place to visit. I would love to visit one day.

  11. This looks like the perfect place to set up camp! It was on our bucket list this summer but so far we have only camped out in our backyard.

  12. Gorgeous photos and imagery. I wish we had somewhere as gorgeous as this to visit.

  13. Beautiful photos, yes missing a hiking and traveling in state park. This looks like beautiful place to enjoy with family.
