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Tornado Eggs #TasteCrelations

For Father’s Day let’s do something a bit different, let’s do Breakfast for Dad!  This month on Taste Creation we are creating recipes that will make dad so happy!

Have you seen the Tornado egg craze?  The original dish shows the eggs sliding over a mound of rice with a sauce underneath. I think the tornado eggs are just perfect by themselves and make a striking dish for dad!  Making the eggs is one of the three parts of making tornado omurice, a Korean street food.

What I am sharing isn’t really a recipe but more of a procedure. Let’s get started.

For a single serving, you will need a 7” skillet, 3 eggs, 1 T water, 1T vegetable oil, and a pair of cooking chopsticks.

Heat the oil very hot. This is important because the eggs need to cook immediately when you pour them in the skillet. While the oil is heating, beat the eggs with the water. Pour into the hot skillet. Get your chopsticks ready!  Place your chopsticks on opposite sides of the skillet. Draw the together ( leave a one-inch gap, and twist the chopsticks as you twist the skillet. Continue twisting until a “tornado” forms. Stop twisting and remove chopsticks. Turn down the heat and let the eggs continue to cook.

Slide the eggs onto a plate. Season as desired.

Let's see what Lauren from MomHomeGuide made for us!  She made.... homemade biscuits.  What a perfect side for the tornado eggs!  She gives you fabulous tips on how to make these, so check it out!

Nikki from Tikkido made these delicious Chocolate Chip Muffins.  I don't know any dad who wouldn't want a delicious muffin with coffee to wake up to!  

Check us out in July when we are making lovely summer cocktails!

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  1. How fun! I've never heard of tornado eggs before, but it looks like a great technique for an easy breakfast that's special and a little different.


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