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Style Secrets to Make Your Home Look Amazing

They say that home is where the heart is, so why not turn your residence into a stunning abode? No matter what your style, these savvy tips will tell you everything you need to know to transform your house into a home that’s filled with character:

Start with a blank canvas

If you’re buying a new property, don’t be constrained by how the previous owners have chosen to use the space. When you move in, it’s the perfect time to make modifications or even renovate, so you have free reign to create your dream home.

Similarly, if you’ve lived in your property for some time, don’t be afraid to mix things up a little. Switch the dining room and living areas around, make your bedroom into an office, or simply just rearrange furniture to bring a whole new feel to the space.

When you let yourself think outside the box and experiment with different styles, you’ll allow your creativity to thrive.

Focus on lighting

Lighting has a major impact on your surroundings and it’s one of the easiest things to change in any room. Increasing the amount of natural light will allow your surroundings to be bathed in an uplifting glow. With glass replacement, tints, and UV protection, you can increase natural light in your home, while protecting yourself and your family too. Of course, enhancing your surroundings with lighting doesn’t stop there.

Placing mirrors in strategic locations around your home allows natural light to bounce off them and reflect into different areas. If some rooms have small windows, this is an ideal way to create a whole new ambiance.

What’s more, lighting fixtures are a major element of your interior design. Many people wait until a room is complete before hastily buying a light fitment, but this approach won’t allow you to create the most spectacular designs. Instead, be sure to incorporate lighting into every element of your design and use it to create a sublime atmosphere throughout your home.

Hone in on high traffic areas

When you start planning your redesign, you’ll probably think about how you want your living areas, bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom to look. However, what about high traffic areas, such as your hallways, landings, and stairwells? Although you may not spend time relaxing or working in these areas, you pass through them numerous times a day, so it’s worth considering the impact they have on your design.

When you stretch your design to include these areas, you can ensure your overall theme flows right through the entire property. Instead of viewing each room individually, focus on the property as a whole, and experiment with transitioning from complementing styles and themes.

Love Your Surroundings

Making your home look amazing won’t just impress your family and friends; it can have a real, notable impact on your quality of life too. When you’re inspired, soothed, and motivated by what’s around you, it changes your outlook and encourages you to be more positive in every area of your life. Styling up your home may sound like a fun project but you’ll be amazed at the impact an interior design transformation can have on your life.

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