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How to Figure Out What Decor Is Right For Your Home 100%

When moving into a new home, you’re immediately excited about how you are going to make it yours. One of the most significant ways to make a new home yours is to consider the furniture, the decor, and the photos that will adorn every wall and free surface.

white house under maple trees

But it’s not always that easy. Often, your house dictates the style you want. Modern homes, by default, feel more suited to contemporary style, with sleek and clean lines and an almost minimalist ideal. Likewise, small, crooked (in a good way) old houses feel more homey, cozier, and therefore you feel inspired to borrow your grandfather’s favorite chair and sit it right in front of the fire.
So what kind of decor is right for your home? It’s a mixture of you and the house, really, and here is something to consider.

A traditional-style home, one with doors leading throughout the whole house, separate rooms for the kitchen, living room, and dining room, and stairs that might feel a little steep to climb, especially after a few glasses of wine feels special, like its full of history waiting to be uncovered.
These houses seem to demand coziness. They want fluffy pillows and antique furniture. The decor should be flowery and colorful, welcoming, and comfortable. If you can see yourself sitting in the living room with your reading lamp and a massive tome, this is likely the kind of house and decor that’s perfect for you.


However, contemporary houses are different. Often sprawling and open plan, you can see the kitchen from the living room, and it’s likely your dining room overlooks a vast garden. It’s a place where families grow, but it may not feel as comfortable as a more traditional house.

Almost by default, you want to visit a contemporary furniture store and fill the space with sleek and stylish sofas, chairs, tables, and cabinets. The colors should be neutral. Too much color could ruin the aesthetic of the whole house, while the decoration is something interior designers will tell you needs to be sparse. A few photographs here, some travel souvenirs there, you get the idea.

You might be reading this and thinking it’s all nonsense, and that’s okay because at the end of the day, it’s your home and your decor to pick and choose. Despite what design shows might tell you, there are no rules for ordinary people when decorating.

If you want to fill your modern home with traditional decor, then who is going to stop you. Likewise, a traditional home filled with sophisticated minimalist sofas is something to consider. Part of what makes home decor so enticing for people is the chance to get creative and do it their way, so if you want to create a hybrid design, there’s no one to stop you.
Your Home, Your Rules

Home decor should be fun; it should show off part of your personality so that people get an idea for you as soon as they walk into the house. Whether it’s homemade crafts or photographs of your trip around the world, your home decor is an essential part of designing your home and making it yours.

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