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3 Security Tips To Follow When Moving Into A New Home

Your home should be a place where you feel safe and secure, but when you move into a new house, you don’t always feel that way. The unfamiliar surroundings may feel strange and you might not necessarily feel at ease right away. That’s perfectly normal and it will always take time to settle into a new house. However, you can make your new home feel safer if you take a few simple security precautions. You should always make security checks when you move into a new home anyway because you can’t be sure what precautions the previous owners were taking. These are some of the most important security tips that you need to follow when moving home

Check The Locks 

The first thing that you need to do is check the locks in your home and see how sturdy they are. This is especially important if it is a new build because the locks that come as standard are usually quite flimsy and easy to break into. Make sure to check the locks on all of the doors and windows and see how sturdy they are. In some cases, you may need to call a locksmith to change them if they are not up to scratch. Upgrading the locks will make your home a lot more secure and it will also put your mind at ease, so you can relax.

Secure The Back Yard 

The back yard is one of the most common entry points for burglars, but a lot of people overlook this when they are trying to secure their homes. It’s important that you check the fences in the back yard and if they are very low, you should install some higher ones. It’s the easiest way to protect your home from thieves, and it will help to make your home more private as well. You should also cut back any trees and shrubs that give a lot of coverage because this will make it easier for people to approach the house undetected. Next, you need to get some sturdy padlocks on the back gate so people cannot get in easily. Make sure to get a padlock on the shed as well because thieves will often use tools from the shed to get into the house.

Meet The Neighbors 

It’s always nice to meet your new neighbors when you move in, but it also has its security benefits. If your neighbors can keep an eye on your home when you are not there, they can alert you and the police of any potential break-ins. That’s why you should get to know the neighbors and let them know what your schedule is like. That way, they’ll know if there is any unusual activity at your home that they should be concerned about. You could even see if there is a local neighborhood watch scheme that you can join for added security.

Take these simple measures when you first move into a new home and you will feel a lot safer there.

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  1. Those are all really great suggestions/tips! Hope you have a great Wednesday. Hugs- Diana

  2. just discover this site from somewhere. great sharing story & experiences. i will recommend this site to my friends out there.


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