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3 Steps To An Organized Home

We all want to feel like we’re living in an organized home, don’t we? To feel like we have everything under control, no last-minute panics over things we have forgotten and everything in its place? It certainly makes life easier, whether it is a busy family home or a peaceful home for one when everything feels in order. That is why today we are sharing with you 3 steps to an organized home.

Have a good declutter

The first thing you will want to do is have a good declutter.

If you have not done this for a while, or ever, then take care to take it step by step. If you try to tackle your entire home all at once you are likely to feel overwhelmed and will probably abandon the task.

When you are decluttering you need to be honest with yourself. Will you really need, use or wear that item again? You should find that you have several, if not many, bags and boxes full of things that you no longer want at the end of this process.

Your home should feel tidy and emptier. You should find that you now have room to put everything away somewhere and everything will have its place.

After the declutter, aim to put things away when you have finished with them and you will not have to spend time tidying up.
Get all of those odd jobs done

We all have those chores and tasks that we keep meaning to arrange yet never quite get round to arranging. Aim to get those completed over the next few weeks.

You might need to get a tree chopped down in your yard, you might need to repaint your hallway or maybe you need to arrange for a regular window cleaning company to clean for you.

Whatever the job is, plan things in, make those calls and you can then relax knowing that everything is in hand.
Use lists

To keep everything organized on an ongoing basis, you are going to need to use lists, and use them daily.

Grab a notebook and this will now become your master list book. This saves you from having all sorts of lists all over the place, just keep it all in one book. This book can contain anything that you need to plan for and remember from now on.

You will have a variety of sections in here, from those long term projects that you might be planning, such as updating your bathroom, to gift list ideas for upcoming birthdays to packing lists for a vacation to a shopping list for this week’s groceries. You will then get used to jotting down a monthly task list and then a daily to-do list.

This might all seem like too many lists, but stick with it. We can assure you that you already make all of these lists, they are probably just in your head. Writing everything down will help to clear your head and you are less likely to forget things.

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