The best thing about eco-friendly living is that it is often healthier and cheaper too. Though you may have to make a little more effort, and there are plenty of companies who want to discourage you from doing anything but buying new, there are plenty of easy ways you can decrease your carbon footprint.
Make Do and Mend
The first thing you should do to reduce your carbon footprint is to stop buying new. When your washing machine breaks down, get it fixed; when your fridge stops working, search for GE refrigerator parts. Yes, it is easier to buy new but this means replacing the entire product, not just the fault and that’s what increases your carbon footprint.
Fashion is another area where you should make do. Fast fashion will always be there to tempt you into buying poor quality seasonal clothing. Big stores want you to replace your entire wardrobe every few months so that they can profit. By selecting clothes that are made to last and creating a capsule wardrobe, you can avoid pouring more money into clothes that fall apart as reduce the amount of fabric you use.
Get Into DIY
Making your own cleaning products can have a huge impact on your carbon footprint simply because you will reduce the amount of plastic packaging you buy. Your own cleaning products are also likely to be much kinder to your skin and won’t fill your home with unhealthy man-made chemicals.
But there are so many things you can make for yourself. Upcycling old furniture and making your own soft furnishings will give your home a unique feel that’s personal to you. Experimenting with a bit of DIY will gradually increase your confidence and improve your ability to fend for yourself. Plus, you will save on any property renovations or upgrades you make to your home.
Shop Local
Shopping for local produce reduces your carbon footprint in one simple way: whatever you buy won’t have traveled half the world to get to you. The less fuel is required to transport products, the lower their carbon footprint will be. Similarly, when food or other products don’t have to travel so far, they don’t need as much protective packaging.
Buying from local makers and producers is one of the best ways to support your local economy and, ultimately, your neighbors. Indeed, you don’t even have to buy local. Setting up a neighborhood group where you can swap items or buy and sell from each other is a great asset to the community and will reduce waste significantly too.
You might only be able to make a small difference but every change counts. Try making a small change today and see how your life improves as a result!
We have greatly reduce our carbon footprint over the past few years. We buy as much locally as we can and we raise our own meats and some veggies. My husband bought a Smart Car to drive daily instead of his truck and we make some of our own cleaning supplies.