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Ways to Grow Your Savings

Keeping your personal finances in good shape is all about looking ahead. Obviously, managing your money in the current day is important, too. However, if you want to go beyond simply covering your present-day costs and paying bills, then you need to ensure you have enough disposable income to go towards your savings. You might need to rethink your current expenditures to make the necessary changes to your lifestyle that’ll improve your financial future. With that in mind, here are some financially-savvy ideas to help you build up your savings, including information on cd vs savings account.

Pay for necessities in cost-effective ways.

You should pay for necessities in cost-effective ways if you want to put your money to good use. Instead of looking for ways to make cutbacks, think of ways to enjoy the same lifestyle at a more affordable price. It makes sense to limit luxuries, but you shouldn’t limit necessities to save money. For instance, you could reduce your energy consumption to save money on your monthly utility bill. Perhaps you could insulate your windows with thicker glazing to conserve heat or put draft excluders on the bottom of your doors.

And you could start growing fruit and vegetables in your garden to enjoy the same food without having to buy it from the grocery store. Take a look at my salad bowl gardening!  The sustainable approach to eating can save you a lot of money whilst allowing you to enjoy the same lifestyle. You should also start shopping around for deals and discounts before you buy things. You might want to check out these home depot coupons. You could purchase the same household necessities for less money. Paying for necessities in cost-effective ways is all about weighing up your options.  

Plan ahead.

It’s also wise to plan ahead if you want to build up your savings by being financially-savvy. In the first point, reducing unnecessary costs was the focus, but you can also save money by thinking ahead. Saving money on groceries by using coupons and growing your own food, to give a couple of examples, could save you a lot of money. Sign up on the blog for my newsletter, which features a weekly meal plan! However, you might end up wasting money by creating meals which are too big for you to finish or simply buying too much food in the first place. So, make sure you plan in advance when it comes to cooking. Perhaps you could make a plan for the meals you want to eat during a particular week and buy the necessary ingredients when you go shopping. Plus, opt to make smaller portions when feeding yourself and your family. You can always eat more food later. Avoiding wastefulness will give you more money to use in the future.

Pay yourself first.

Maybe you’ve heard this advice before. It’s a very simple and straightforward way to manage your money. Rather than simply saving whatever excess cash remains in your wallet at the end of the month, you should pay yourself first. That means you should put aside some of your earnings every time you receive your paycheck. You could even set up an automatic standing order to transfer a fixed amount of money from your main bank account to a separate savings account on your payday. This will help to ensure that you really do pay yourself first. You won’t be tempted to spend any of your money before you’ve had a chance to save it. This will really help to build up your savings by being financially-savvy.


  1. Great idea! Thank you for sharing saving tips and it is useful for everyone.
