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How To Survive Christmas With Annoying Family Members

We all have them, and whether it's your own or your in-laws, Christmas is the time when you have to suck it up and see those annoying folk you really can't be bothered with. No family is perfect, everyone has their issues, and as long it's not a real family feud then you'll be able to survive it for one day or even two. But how? You ask, well check out these tips…

Get The Perfect Level Of Buzz

Not too buzzed, not so buzzed that you don't know what's going on, it has to be the perfect level. Yes, it seems a good idea so that you don't know how annoying your uncle is being with his old man jokes, but at the same time, it's no good if you get too buzzed and you are the annoying one, and no one wants to be around. It's also no good if you throw up your lovely Christmas dinner. So, don't drink too much, but just enough to take the edge off, if you need/want to.

Remember That No One Is Trying To Upset You

Even if you feel like individual members of your family like to get at you, realizing that none of the upset is intentional frees you from feeling hurt by it and lashing out in response. Try to ignore comments and rise above them or take them with a pinch of salt. If you can do that, then you won't even notice. Also, remember anyone acting like this; it is more of a reflection on them than it is on you.

Plan Some Activities For Everyone

If you've got people coming to visit in your home, then this is easy to do as you are the host. Plan some activities for the entire family, so that everyone, no matter what age they are, can enjoy it. The grandparents will appreciate the inclusion and the children will have the best of both worlds – fun with everyone. Play board games, watch movies or tell stories to the kids. And as you're all together, it's an excellent opportunity to take some family photos and make some amazing memories.

Get Out Of The House

It's absolutely fine to get out of the house for a bit, whether it's an hour down the pub to meet some friends, taking the dog for a walk or even popping to see another friend or family member close by. You can either plan it in advance or do it spontaneously. It's good to get a bit of space but just don't be late back for dinner.

Don't Put Pressure On Yourself

Forget the picture-perfect Christmas, who actually has that? All those people posting on social media? I doubt it; they're too busy getting in their matching pajamas and posing for photos. Just relax a bit, enjoy the good moments, and try to laugh about the bad. It doesn't have to be perfect, it is what it is, and that's okay, so try to make the best of it.

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  1. Oh man, this would be tough. Thankfully I like the family members we have nearby, so things usually got smoothly. I'd probably say something if it didn't because I find as I get older, I deal with less nonsense.

  2. The holidays are definitely not the time to put pressure on yourself. It's better to relax and not try to be perfect!

  3. Wine. Wine is the answer. I try not to stay too long. Get in, socialize, eat, socialize and leave!

  4. These are great tips. I usually do my best to avoid the people that annoy me and if I can keep my distance, I am usually ok!

  5. I can see this from someone on the outside. I feel there's nobody in my family that fits this description. Great resource for those who aren't as fortunate as me!

  6. These are some great tips to help others survive CHristmas with annoying family members. I never really had family gatherings for Christmas, but we did gather for Thanksgiving a few times and these tips would have helped me back then.

  7. Although we never had to spend Christmas with my stepmother, I always found our interactions were more pleasant once she had a couple of drinks in her. When she was sober she was quite critical and unkind especially to my oldest sister, but a few drinks helped her be a much nicer human.

  8. These are some really good tips. I know how hard it can be with some family members. Sometimes you just have to tough it out. Luckily I don't really have any problems with any of my family.

  9. This can be a hectic time of the year. I have tried my best to get rid of all of the negativity in my life to make sure times like these are no longer stressful and I think this Christmas will be the best one yet. Merry Christmas to you!

  10. Oh boy this is a landmine! I decided a few years ago that the holidays are to short to spend with people that you don't want to be around so I no longer force myself. (Rena)

  11. Thanks for the wonderful tips! I was 100 percent agree on the "No Family is perfect" but these tips are very useful!

  12. These are some wonderful tips for surviving Christmas. It is so important to ask for help whenever required as holiday seasons are stressful!

  13. You cannot avoid those kind of family members, it is as funny and annoying at the same time. Just getting used to it.


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