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A New Way to See the Doctor #getwellwithamwell

Compensation was provided by Amwell via Momtrends. The opinions expressed herein are
those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Amwell or Momtrends.

It's beginning to feel a lot like winter! Our fall was short-lived and because of the fluctuating weather, I have had the sniffles and a headache. Of course, I have let that all go too long, and now I am facing an urgent care visit. Tell me I'm not the only one who waits too late!! I'm going to use Amwell's Urgent Care because I am not wanting to sit around with a lot of other sick people! I love Amwell's Urgent Care because I can stay home in my jammies and still talk to a doctor.

Let me tell you about my experience. I am working HARD at staying well this year.  Every year since my breast cancer diagnosis, I have had a severe sinus infection, cold, bronchitis, etc.  I am hand washing more than ever, using diffused essential oils and the number one thing I am doing is staying away from public places as much as I can.

That includes the doctor's office, where flu patients are flocking in record numbers this year.  I have canceled several "well" check-ups to stay out of the doctor's office. I was very excited about the Amwell experience of speaking with an Urgent Care doctor from home!

Amwell is the nation’s largest telehealth company, connecting users with board-certified, licensed doctors for immediate and live, online visits—day or night, on either mobile or desktop. What kinds of things can Amwell help with: minor illnesses, small injuries, general health and wellness concerns, prescription refills, and chronic condition management. Amwell employs primary care and specialists as well as licensed behavioral therapists and registered dietitians. Amwell doctors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Amwell gave me a discount code to use to reduce the cost of the visit.  With my insurance, the visit would cost $15.  With the code, it was free.  A regular appointment is $69 without insurance. Continue reading for how you can get a discounted visit to Amwell as one of Our Good Life's readers!

I waited a short time and then the doctor came on the app.  We talked about my medical past and she asked some clarifying questions.  Then we got down to task.  She asked me when the symptoms started and gave me some great advice for getting through the illness. I, fortunately, didn't have to have any prescription meds, just hydrate, rest and some meds for the headache. Since I was home, the rest part came quickly!

I highly recommend Amwell to all my friends and readers out there who want to get medical advice but do not want to risk getting sick with the flu or other contagious illnesses.  One way we can help stop the spread of the flu is to stay away from sick people.

Amwell was kind enough to provide a code for my friends and readers that will give you a 25% off an urgent care visit.  The code is AMWELL25. There isn't an expiration date on the code, so save this post for when you need a trip to Urgent Care.

Follow this link to start your visit with an AMWELL doctor!

Would you like to comment?

  1. This sound so much better than waiting for an appointment then waiting in a doctor's office. It really makes things so much easier.

  2. I love the idea that the doctor is accessible, this is so convenient. I will check the service for sure. Thank you.

  3. I have been thinking about this more than ever.... we should ALL be avoiding the doctor!

  4. Technology is incredible but this is an incredible idea. I hate having to go to the doctor's office during flu season. This is genius!

  5. Like you I hate visiting to my Doctor's clinic because I hate waiting and I am afraid to be infected by many illness or sick people from there and glad to know that Amwell have this service that will help you to be check by their doctor in a convenient way like your home.


  6. I had not seen it from this perspective, but for this very reason I thank you for helping me to do it!

  7. That’s one thing we take for granted is our health. This special offer is something that we can take advantage of to stay healthy. Plus a discount code makes it easier on the pockets. Who doesn’t love to feel and be healthy at the end of the day.

  8. This comes in handy during the cooler months when you don't feel like stepping outside. It's helpful for those who can't leave their home either.

  9. I hope you do get well and stay healthy this year. Thank you for being kind by sharing the 25% discount code with us

  10. TECHNOLOGY has come a long way! Visiting the Doctor's office is such a drag,Amwell is a great option!

  11. What a great discount and it hard to stay healthy with so many bugs going round! Look after yourself and take it easy x

  12. This sounds like a good way to get your health questions answered. Sometimes it's hard to get out and go see the dr.

  13. This sounds like a great service that would also help reduce waiting times at the GP surgery

  14. I hate waiting on the doctors office this is such a great option.

  15. Amwell is such a great option. I love all the features and options they have. A great way to get in touch with a doctor quickly.

  16. Thank you for the discount! It will surely be worth it. Great new way to see the doctor.

  17. I am actually a fan. There are so many cases where it's okay to use this, and it's so much more convenient than waiting in a doctor's office.

  18. Kristine Nicole Alessandra8:12 AM

    This is one of the best things that technology has provided us. I wish Amwell would be available in other countries too. This is such a convenient way to "see" a doctor.

  19. technology is amazing. it is amazing to hear what services like amwell can do w/o a physical visit to the clinic. thanks for sharing. joy

  20. Health is so important! I love how this makes seeing the doctor a lot simpler and less stressful.

  21. Beautiful! Now, I don't have to sneak off my desk and away from home just to go see "a real doctor"! I wanna try it out soon.


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