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A Freebie Just for YOU! A Thanksgiving Shopping List

I know I need one, so here is a free printable Thanksgiving shopping list. Perfect for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. There are spaces for you to add your own special ingredients, too. Look for the notes section in the bottom right corner!

Click on this link to get a printable version.  Spaces left blank for your own ingredients!

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  1. Your simple shopping list covers all the basics, including those things I usually forget. I just remembered I need to pick up some 2-liters!

  2. Love the list it certainly covers everything from soup to nuts and beer and wine. Happy Thanksgiving and I will check this list before I shop.

  3. Thank you for this list. It is helpful because I always forget something. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. What an awesome Thanksgiving checklist! I don't think I am one who always foregets things when I go grocer shopping and I've never come across a list as detailed as yours. I won't forget a thing now! :)

  5. This list is perfect for those who host Thanksgiving dinner. I think that there are times where something doesn't get purchased and this is very helpful.

  6. Now this is such a great list to make sure people don't forget anything needed for the meal. I am sure it can be hard remembering everything when you are the host.

  7. Thanks! This is so helpful! I did my shopping today, and it's a mad house out there. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  8. Thanks for creating this free printable. I have to make my final store run tomorrow. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  9. What a helpful list! Happy Thanksgiving to yoU!

  10. This is a great list for Thanksgiving. It's got all the perfect foods on it. Everything we'd need as well.

  11. This is a great list and I see a few items I forgot to get. Thankfully, I have time to get them!

  12. Kita Bryant12:50 PM

    That is such a great shopping list! Everything you could want is right there!

  13. So awesome and so helpful! Thanks for sharing!

  14. What a great list, I am braving the crows and going back to the store for a few things we forgot, this list is very helpul

  15. Thank you for sharing such a convenient list!

  16. This is a helpful list for Thanksgiving. Hope you were able to enjoy yours with those you love.

  17. Thanks this is a great little checklist. It would definitely come in handy during the holidays


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