With that being said, it can be worthwhile to try and update your home, especially with the new decade just around the corner. Caring for this can help you avoid the boring and often specific tips given in many interior design magazines and instead focus on the improvements you need to make on your home, not by forcing you through a select funnel of good practice but by helping you free your home from the shackles of time, dating your home tremendously.
Let’s explore what this might look like together:
Get Rid Of Your Textured Wallpaper
Textured wallpaper can look nice sometimes, but it’s also often reminiscent of a design trend that was extremely popular in the 70s and 80s. That raised bump profile or perhaps even swirls to emulate paint strokes may have looked nice before, but beyond that, they can look dated and miserable. Getting rid of your textured wallpaper can instead open you up to wall stencils, repainting the wall, or simply applying new wallpaper there you find the most appropriate. Do this, and you will instantly reduce ten years of perceived age from your room.
Reduce The Clutter
We often think of reducing clutter as taking items off of our shelves or perhaps simply selling some of our belongings. But that’s not the case. Despite keeping a widescreen television in your living room, perhaps it’s been placed within a large wooden cabinet you have to open, and this leaves you feeling like you’re in the wrong century. Additionally, it can be that large computer desks, storage shelving, and other items could be improved by the use of cabinet doors or simply organizing said files much more appropriately. If you can do this, you will notice that your home feels much lighter.
Reduce The Pomp And Circumstances
With this advice, you are sure to update your home for the new decade.