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Tackle Moving Day in Three Easy Acts

From Aristotle to Shakespeare, some of the best minds have focused around the three-act structure to create stories which appeal to every need. While your home move might not be an entertaining tale, then, turning to this same three-act thinking could see you covering every aspect of your moving day.

Let’s face it; this one day forms the crux for everything you’ve been working towards. After weeks or even months, you’ll need to take care of everything in one twelve-hour period. And, as is always the case when you have a lot to do in a short time, planning is the best way to get this right.

The question is, what does a moving day three-act structure look like? In reality, this isn’t all that different from the beginning, middle, and end. Rather than filling each act with drama, though, your plan should focus on making moving less stressful. A smooth moving day is a must, after all, and here are the three acts which can make sure you achieve it.


The morning of your moving day is the first act, and your last chance to catch up on the packing you couldn’t do before. Finally, you can take those last clothes off their shelves. You can pack bathroom supplies and sweep remaining food from your kitchen. Depending on availability, you might also want to arrange for a removals firm like Bekins Moving Solution to arrive during these early hours. That way, you can load up before things kick-off, ensuring you’re able to vacate as soon as you get a call from your solicitor.


As soon as your money arrives in the seller’s bank, your solicitor will phone you to let you know that everything’s ready to go. You will then need to do one last sweep of your house before locking up and calling your movers to let them know you’re all ready to go. You should then drop your keys into the estate agent who sold your house before heading across to the estate agent holding the keys of your new property. This part of the process can sometimes seem long-winded, but trust us when we say it’s the most exciting part. Once you have those keys in hand, after all, you can head to your new home, and hopefully, meet your moving company there when you arrive!


By evening, your moving story should be drawing to a close. By this stage, the chances are that your moving company will have unpacked and left. Don’t think, though that means you can relax at last. Instead, it’s worth dedicating this first evening to unpacking essentials. You should obviously aim to get your beds set up, and even your kitchen unloaded as much as possible. By all means, enjoy an hour or so to explore, but then get to work to make sure your story ends the way you want.

And, there you have it — a successful moving tale with a beginning, a middle, and end.

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  1. Oh man, moving is never fun. We've done it several times as a military family. These are great tips! I hope we're finally settled and we never have to move again.

  2. I do not plan on moving any time soon but these steps are so important. I have so much stuff in my house so moving would be a monster of a job.

  3. This is such a great way to look at your moving day, it can be so hard to make sure you are on top of things when it comes to such a stressful day.

  4. That's a great way to break down the steps! Moving is never easy, so to put yourself in right mindset to tackle the job is important.

  5. Ice Cream n Sticky Fingers2:16 PM

    I've sold a house and it is super stressful. Moving in itself is stressful as it is. Over the years of moving, I try to move a week before that I have to be out so that I have enough time to take care of everything.

  6. I can't imagine moving now that we have been in our house for so many years. These are great tips to help reduce stress.

  7. We moved so many times in a short few years, I've got it down to a science. It has made me a great purger, I love to donate all items that aren't being used frequently.

  8. Your tips seems to be easy and simple. No plans on moving in the near future but who knows right? You are really good at this.

  9. I've always rented so I don't know the stress of buying/selling (yet!). Moving is a pain though - packing the kitchen always takes us the longest!

  10. Ah the dreaded moving day. lol I've moved so many times, but doing it with five kids, well it's a crazy mess. My rule a thumb is to plan for things to go wrong, so I'm not thrown off balance when they do.

  11. We will be moving in the near future and its such a dread. I think the worse part is trying to find boxes for everything. Great article and suggestions

  12. I have moved many times in the last couple of years. Therefore, can totally relate with it. Moving is in itself a herculean task but now I guess I've become a pro with my experience...lol!

  13. We moved 3 years ago and you have some great tips. One thing we learned the hard way is to keep your purse locked in the car so you don't have to worry about movers that might have sticky fingers.

  14. These are great ideas. I always loved packing and moving honestly. I'm not sure why, but I enjoyed it. I know it can be really stressful at times though too.

  15. Moving can be really stressful, these are some great tips. My mom moved in with us prior to selling her house, and I'm really glad she did. I think the stress of doing it all in a day would have been way too hard on her.

  16. Cathy Mini2:55 AM

    Moving is so hard especially when you have so many things to pack. But everything will manage in a long time and make a list of each of them.

  17. i like the simple approach you have adopted for moving. Moving itself is so stressful and these tips make it so much easier. Thanks for sharing.

  18. I wish I have read this years back when we were moving. Moving is very tiring and can stress you out.


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