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Home Maintenance Made Easy!

Owning a home is a great source of joy and comfort for many people, but maintaining the home can be a huge source of stress. Home maintenance can be costly and even dangerous at times. Here, we’re going to look at a few things that can make home maintenance feel so much easier for you.

1. Know What You Are Capable Of Doing Yourself

Doing certain things yourself might not seem ideal to you, but you can save a substantial amount of money if you watch a few YouTube tutorials and just go for it. For example, you can definitely paint a wall yourself, and you can also put up a shelf. Here’s a list of a few more things you can likely do, too:

Change a door handle
Put up furniture
Regrout your bathroom
Sand and paint woodwork
Clean out your gutters

You may be able to do more than what we’ve listed, depending on your current skill level. There isn't anything that YouTube can’t teach you these days! That being said, if something seems dangerous, or could end up costing more if you make a mistake, it’s probably best to leave it to a pro.

2. Have Reliable Companies On Speed Dial

Knowing who to call when something does go wrong or you need a check up is important. Ask for recommendations from friends and family, and read reviews and testimonials online. For example, you’ll need a reliable company on hand to clear your blocked drains as quickly as possible before significant damage occurs. Make sure you have issues like this fixed right away, or you’ll spend more money and potentially end up with irreparable damage.

3. Tidy Up As You Go Along

Tidying up isn't something that comes naturally to every homeowner, but you make it so much harder on yourself if you let everything pile up before sorting it out. Aim to tidy up as you go along, and have a place for everything. Wash a dish right after you’ve used it, and deal with letters the moment you pick them up. Don’t allow clutter and the thought of ‘I’ll do it later’ to leave your home in a state.

4. Come Up With A Chore Chart For Your Family

If you have a family, a chore chart can make sure the chores are shared out fairly. Make sure everybody does their assigned chores and your home should look great. Even young kids can get involved here - it can give them a great sense of responsibility.

5. Make A Note Of Important Check Ups

If you have an important check up in the future, such as your boiler, make a note of it so that you don’t end up going way past the date. Remembering dates can be tough, so make a note on a calendar where you can see it all the time. You’ll stay on top of maintenance this way and won’t have to deal with costly repairs or replacements.

Knowing who to call when something does go wrong or you need a check up is important. Ask for recommendations from friends and family, and read reviews and testimonials online. For example, you’ll need a reliable company on hand to clear your blocked drains as quickly as possible before significant damage occurs. You’ll also need a reliable pest control service on hand to deal with any pest-related problems that may occur in and around your home. Make sure you have issues like this fixed right away, or you’ll spend more money and potentially end up with irreparable damage.

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  1. I do a lot of things around the house on my own but I usually leave the harder stuff to contractors and handymen.

  2. Omg I’m such a serial DIY-er🤣🙈. Number 2 is definitely a tip for me! I just need to find reliable hand en!

  3. Tiffany La Forge-Grau8:01 PM

    I love being able to keep my house up to snuff. This is such a great way to do it too!

  4. My husband used to be hopeless at DIY until he became a manager of a DIY Store - now he is obsessed with tools LOL (at least jobs get done now)

  5. I have to say that my father mainly takes care of everything, but ... well I have to start too!

  6. Over here we usually ask someone to come to fix even little stuff like change the toilet flush because we have no knowledge how to do it. The fees to get someone in is not cheap. I really love the ideas of doing some of the simple stuff overselves.

  7. This is perfect to send to one of our friends that was visiting this past weekend. She's a little intimidated by the idea but we tried to explain to her how simple it can be!

  8. My husband is all about home maintenance. He tries to do everything himself and is usually pretty successful!

  9. These are great tips! As myself I normally handle most of the things in our house but of course I live those hardest things to the contractors.

  10. You've shared some really great tips for maintaining the home. I usually do most of the repairs around the home. I only call for help when its beyond my capabilities.

  11. I am the one who always works on for our home maintenance as my husband is working for our needs but I definitely call a help of an expert if its already beyond my capabilities.

  12. I agree, buying the home is just least of the issue but maintaining the home to the best possible standard and keeping it up to date is so important. We tend to do some of the things by ourselve while get help from experts for others.

  13. This tips are so really helpful. I am not good at it. But when i done reading this i feel like a pro. Thanks for your help!

  14. Brilliant tips for home maintenance and you're right youtube tutorials are definitely for home Renos and DIY projects.
    XO, MJ

  15. jessica may3:09 PM

    We are in the middle of home maintenance now, thanks for sharing!!


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