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DIY Pore Strips #pinterestchallenge

I am spending so much money on products for my face each month that it is embarrassing.  I am looking for ways to cut expenses and when I found this blog post, I thought I would give their DIY pore strips a try!

The "recipe" is simple, just and egg white and 2 ply toilet paper.  I'll let you to to the original site for the actual procedure.

My results?  The pore strips took 60 minutes to dry, rather than the 20 that was suggested in the post. I may have added on too many layers. The effect was less than I was hoping for, too.  I will say that my nose felt very soft.

An egg cost me 20 cents.  The pore strips I buy are $10 for a box of 8.  So clearly there is a savings there, even if I do feel like I am wasting an egg.  In the future, I would remove a teaspoonful of the egg and use that for the pore strips. Then I could use the rest of the whites and the yolk for something else.

Overall this was an ok challenge.  For the savings, I would do it, but it isn't a wow factor for me.

UPDATE:  As my skin continued to dry over the next hour, I could see visible improvement to my pores.  Next time I will use fewer strips so that it will dry harder and in the time allotted.

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  1. What an interesting concept! I have heard that egg wash for your face can make your skin smooth and help with wrinkles, but I have never tried it. I find that I pin a lot of things, but never seem to get around to doing any of them.

  2. huh need to let my hubby know about this lol :)

  3. Well isn't this absolutely GENIUS! Not going to lie, I totally just bought PORE STRIPS - I am the type who totally stared at the strip for like an HOUR after I rip it off my nose LOL!

  4. Pore strips are so helpful especially for my two kids who can be acne prone. The savings with these DIY strips makes so much sense.

  5. I need to try these! I know my pores could use a good cleaning. I hate when I get zits.

  6. Sounds interesting. I buy the box ones as well and they are so expensive! I have to at least give this one a try. (Rena)

  7. This is a cool idea and it's great that the supplies are so simple. Keeping those pores clean is definitely a priority.

  8. I love those pore strips. I had no idea you could make your own. Can't wait to try this.

  9. This is so interesting to read, I wouldn't have thought of making your own at home! It is great that it seemed to work as well, I'd love to know how you got on using less next time too!

  10. I love that you took the time to test this out and let us know how it went! I used to purchase the store-bought strips for my kids and they would fly through them like crazy. The cost of those really added up!

  11. I have wondered about these! Thank you for answering the questions I had!

  12. This DIY is so on point! It looks pretty simple to try and not complicated at all. I am a fan of home beauty organic DIYs

  13. Wow! This is really interesting! I've heard a lot about it before but never thought that it actually worked. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I love simple DIY beauty products. I have never tried making pore strips though but I have made face masks and scrubs. Pinned.

  15. I think pore strips have always been a great idea. I've never thought of making them myself though. Looks like I'll have to give this a try now too.

  16. The store bought strips are so expensive! I think I'll give it a try with your revised suggestions this weekend.

  17. Thanks for this DIY pore strip , I would like to try it. I didn't even know you can make that at home.

  18. This seems like a great way to save some money!

  19. Pore strips are a bit expensive! I will have to try this DIY method sometime.

  20. This is a great reminder that a simply DIY can provide a big savings! I’ve not tried nearly enough beauty hacks. This one sounds simple.

  21. Anonymous3:53 AM

    wow! I didn't know you could DIY this. I'll have to try it.

  22. I've never tried a DIY Pore Strip before. This sounds like an interesting idea. Thanks for sharing.

  23. The good thing with this method is you know what your are putting on your face - no chemicals involved!

  24. I love how simple and inexpensive this is! I have to try this today!

  25. Beauty products can be so costly and eggs/toilet paper are relatively inexpensive. I can see a difference in your pore size from the photos and I may give this a try. Pinned.

  26. Sounds like it was definitely worth a try! I've seen a facial mask using the same technique. Almost like paper mache on your face!

  27. I had no idea that you could make your own. It sounds like it was definitely worth a try!

  28. Well this is worth knowing, thanks. I think they are SO expensive to buy which is off putting. If they work at all it's got to be worth a go.

  29. Well there is something I wouldn't have even thought to to try to make myself! I'm all about taking care of my skin with good products. So worth it to me


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