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Winter Home Care: Prepping the Exterior of Your Home

It may be summer right now and all of us are enjoying our outside spaces, gardening and generally being outside more, it is only a matter of weeks before the temperatures lower and the weather changes once more. Winter will soon be here with time moving at a fast pace, so you may want to start thinking about winter-proofing your exterior ahead of the colder weather. It might be time to schedule a few of these chores for the end of summer, just so that you are ready to embrace the cold weather and even the snow once it hits. With that in mind, here are some of the things that you can do.

Give your lawn the VIP treatment

With colder weather on the horizon, it’s important to make sure your lawn is ready. Ice, snow, and extensive rain can all have an adverse effect on your lawn condition. This is why it’s worth making sure you keep your lawn cut and trimmed for as long as possible. Also applying grass feed helps it to maintain its growth even through the colder months ahead. It can help eliminate any bald spots appearing due to rain and snow.

On the subject of snow

Many of us can suffer from cold and harsh winters, and snow is one of the things that can cause more problems in daily life. Sure it is fun to play in, but not when you need to dig your road out and be able to drive. It is always worth having contact information for snow removal and staying informed with up-to-date snow information can help you anticipate and manage these challenges more effectively. You can put a snow removal company to work quickly and effectively so that you can access the exterior of your home and be able to go about your business during the worst days when it comes to the weather.

Get all those bushes and trees cut back

 While not much grows too well in the colder months, it’s still essential to get those bushes and trees cut back. This helps the tree or bush remain healthy, sparking regrowth come the spring. If you don’t feel confident doing this yourself, you may want to enlist the help of a professional service like Splendid Landscaping Service to ensure your greenery is properly maintained.

Give your garden and sheds a good cleaning

Once summer is over, it will be the time to clean up your garden and shed of any unwanted garden furniture or items. Create space for things to be stored for the winter ahead. It’s no surprise that sheds and storage in the garden can be crammed full of unwanted things. Now would be a great time to get your garden a little more organized.

Repair any damaged fences 

With winter weather, comes adverse conditions. If you find that some areas of your garden need a little maintenance, then it’s essential to get those things repaired. For example, broken fences. They can get worse when subject to heavy wind or rain.

Steam clean any patios and decked areas

Finally, once the summer is over, it will be the ideal time to get those patios and decked areas power-washed. This creates less of a job for you to do in the spring. While it’s natural for those areas to become subject to dirt and grime during the winter, it won’t be as bad if you have taken action now.

Let’s hope this helps you get your home exterior ready for the winter ahead.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Some great tips here. Thanks! I didn't know that we should cut back trees in winter, thanks for the tip

  2. I look at knee deep white snow and feel wow wouldn’t it be great to be there. Your post has brought me back to reality that for all the season changes that you get you’ve got to be prepared for them.

  3. I usually do our lawn and garden area. It gives the highlight to the house. It makes it vibrant too!

  4. These are all really great tips! It's important to get this all taken care of before the winter, otherwise it's always worse to deal with after the long winter and all the snowfall.

  5. This is such a timely article. You are so right they need to prep your home for the winter is now in the summer months. Lavern Moore


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