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The Problems Our Homes Like to Spring on Us

Our homes definitely have given us a few things in life, and have more than sent us on a rollercoaster of a ride. If you think about all of the emotions that you’ve felt within your home, even if you’ve been living in it for only a short amount of time, they probably are so wide and varied. But if there’s one emotion that our homes love to give us, it’s stress. Stress in the home is one of the leading causes of major stress, which can then lead to anxiety. When you think about owning your own home, you most likely will have thought about how you would come home to a loving partner, perhaps a bouncing dog or a placid cat, and settling in for the night to have a lovely dinner. But we all know that life is just not that easy, especially when our home springs a problem or two on us. So, we’re going to talk you through some of the problems that people don’t think about, but our homes love to spring on us when we least expect it.

A Few Too Many Visitors

These are not the visitors that you’re most likely thinking about, but they can be just as bad. When you move into your new home, you most likely think about all of the family and friends that want to come round. That’s bad enough on days when you don’t expect it, but what about when some furry little friends come to play? If you live near an area of natural beauty, or just away from a city a little bit, you may be susceptible to an infestation of some sort. Pest control would be the right people to call, dealing with it yourself wouldn’t be. Not only could you run the risk of getting hurt if you’re dealing with something that you don’t know what it is, but you could always make the problem worse as well!

The Dreaded Bill Increase

This always comes around when you least expect it. When you’ve just got into the routine of saving enough money for your bills each month and actually living right. Then boom, your TV box goes up, or your phone bill is a lot higher than you expected. So the best thing that we can suggest you do is making sure that you’re putting a little bit extra aside each month. That way you’ll always have something to cover it, and you’ll quickly be able to adjust!

Something To Disturb Your Peace & Quiet

Now, this isn’t technically your home's fault, it’s the way of the world. So the worst nightmare is when you have nightmare neighbors turning up. Some can actually be so bad that they ruin your whole home experience, and that’s definitely not what you want. So the best thing you can do is to introduce yourself early on, and try and make friends with them. It makes it so much easier to broach a negative subject if all they’re ever doing is being loud or inappropriate.

Did we leave anything out? What problems does your home like to spring on you?

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  1. We just had an AC issue, which is not good with this heat wave. It seems like there's always some costly repair around the corner. :|

  2. Ugh yes. I hate when something breaks. Or when bills do rise. I will usually call the company and ask why.

  3. I swear that it's always something, but that's what being a homeowner is all about. I do hate when the rates increase without me realizing.

  4. Urgh I am with you on this - our cooker is throwing the breaker at the moment and I really need to deal with that ASAP! It is awful when things just throw things at you out of the blue.

  5. I agree with this! It seems like they always happen when we least expect it!!

  6. We are currently figuring out what is causing our water bill to sky rocket. Clearly something is leaking somewhere.

  7. Right now we have brand new neighbors that have just settled in across the street. We're blessed that they are a wonderful couple that isn't overly noisy. Some years we get a trail of ants that invade our home and we deal with it swiftly!

  8. As much as I want to be ready for all the bills, there are always something unexpected that comes up. Our neighbors are much better in here than in our first house.

  9. When you have a house is always this o that, you need to have a some extra money.

  10. Jeanine9:36 AM

    I don't own so I don't really need to worry about when things go wrong but it seems it always does at the wrong times.

  11. I have never purchased a home just for the very last reason. When I was growing up we had the neighbors from hell. I mean it was horrible and I never wanted to be stuck like we were then. (Rena)

  12. Glad to hear that all is well now. This is one of the things that I dislike most about being a homeowner. Especially, when something breaks

  13. It does seem like when things break, it is out of the blue and usually it seems like a couple of things break around the same time. However, I love my house and yard.


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