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Potential Problems in Buying a New Home

Choosing a new house is one of the biggest decisions that you’ll ever have to make. You’re putting so much money into it and it’s going to be the place that you call home for a while at least, so you need to choose wisely. Picking the right location and finding a neighborhood that suits you is important, but you also need to make sure that the house is in good condition. Once you sign the paperwork and everything goes through, there’s no going back. If you end up buying a house that has major problems, you’ll be stuck with it and you’ll have to pay for expensive repairs. But you can spot the tell-tale signs of these problems when you’re looking around the house. These are the things that you need to look out for when viewing a new house.

Roof Damage 

Roof damage is one of the first things to look out for because it can be incredibly expensive to fix and it will cause more problems throughout the home. If there is a leak in the roof, even a small one, rainwater will start running down the walls and you’re going to end up with a major damp problem on your hands. Even if there are just a few loose tiles on the roof, you should make sure that the seller is going to have them fixed before you buy the house, otherwise, the problem will soon get worse and you’ll end up paying for expensive repairs.

Damp And Mold 

Even if the roof is in good condition, that doesn’t mean you’re safe from damp. When a seller is showing their home, they might clean off the visible mold in an attempt to hide the problem, but you can still spot the signs if you touch the walls. You should also check the windows for condensation, especially in areas that look like they’re not well ventilated. If there are a few small corners that have a bit of damp and mold, that’s not too much of an issue because you can just get a company like Above & Beyond to remove it and deal with the damp before you move in. However, if the problem is extensive and it spreads throughout the house, you should think twice about buying the place. Damp problems tend to keep coming back so you’ll constantly be spending money to deal with it.


The security of the house is something that you should consider as well. If the locks are a bit flimsy, that’s not too much of a problem because you can make a few security upgrades once you move in. But you should look at the entry points to the house and how secure the gardens are, especially at the back. In some cases, you can make simple changes to increase the security of the house but if there are security risks that aren’t easily remedied, it might be worth reconsidering.

As long as you watch out for these things when you’re viewing a house, you can make sure that you don’t make the wrong choice.

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  1. Ahh I don't have to worry about this problem any time soon but these are some really good tips! Can't wait to be a homeowner myself one day!

  2. Buying a new home is a process that takes some time. It's not something to just do without proper thought and care. This post outlines everything that is important.

  3. You are right about the roof damage, recently our home has some roof damage and it cost quite a fortune to repair it.

  4. Finding a new home is always exciting but once you get deeper with the real specks...It can be a real eye opener for sure. I like going when it’s rainy you can really see how well a house it’s kept from like you mentioned roof damage and even flooding. -Chastity

  5. You're on point with roof damage. We recently moved into our new home in December and sure enough parts of the roof was leaking. Wish this post was published earlier.

  6. This is such a good list. My finance and I are looking for a home now and there are SO MANY THINGS to worry about! It's insane!

  7. I am with you on these tips! When we bought out home we were very careful in making sure we payed attention to many of the things you mentioned.

  8. These are great suggestions that need to consider before buying a home. I experienced this when I rented a house before I forgot to check the roof damage before moving in and it really cost me a lot.

  9. i've bought two homes and i can agree with some of these tips. well done!

  10. These are great tips and helpful for those who are in the market for a new home.

  11. It's definitely helpful to do your research before buying a home. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  12. These are so important when shopping for a home. We had an overlooked mold issue, and there was no opening to check out the attic. It was definitely a gamble when you can't check out the roof.

  13. Such a great post! We are planning to buy a flat soon and this post just came on the right time ☺ Bookmarked it for future reference!

  14. There are so many things that can go wrong during the buying process but these are some big ones you've pointed out. Buying a new home is so exciting and full of highs and lows until it's finalized.


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