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Breakfast Blueberry Banana Split

There are a ton of great fruit combinations in this world, but if you haven't tried blueberries and bananas, well, please do!  It is a delightful combination in muffins, coffee cake, and smoothies.  I also think it makes a wonderful breakfast: Breakfast Blueberry Banana Split.


Sometimes it is fun to "trick" your brain into thinking you are getting something "naughty."  This breakfast sundae is tricking you into thinking you are getting dessert, but it is really a wonderfully healthy breakfast.

Let's break it down: blueberries are a great source of Vitamin C, K and fiber.  They are said to have the highest antioxidant level of all fruits and vegetables. Bananas are a good source of Vitamin B6, C, potassium, and magnesium. Yogurt is rich in protein, B12, B2, and calcium. As for the granola bar, be mindful of the sugar and additives.  You can make your own by using this recipe!

Yield: 1

Breakfast Blueberry Banana Split

A really delicious breakfast!
prep time: cook time: total time:


  • 1 banana
  • 2 T blueberries
  • 2 strawberries
  • 2 T chocolate chips
  • 1 container strawberry yogurt
  • 1 granola bar


How to cook Breakfast Blueberry Banana Split

  1. 1. Peel banana and split lengthwise down the middle.  Place it on the serving plate.
  2. 2. Scoop up yogurt and place on top of the banana.
  3. 3. Sprinkle on blueberries.
  4. 4. Sprinkle on chocolate chips.
  5. 5. Chop granola bar and sprinkle on top of the yogurt.
Fat (grams)
Sat. Fat (grams)
Carbs (grams)
Fiber (grams)
Net carbs
Sugar (grams)
Protein (grams)
Sodium (milligrams)
Cholesterol (grams)
Created using The Recipes Generator

Blueberry Week Recipes
Drinks & Appetizers

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  1. Banana splits for breakfast!!! Amazing!!!

  2. This would be so perfect for my grandkids! And my kids wouldn't be mad at me!

  3. What a fun idea! This looks delicious and I know my kids would enjoy it a lot!

  4. Oh what a fun breakfast to serve up to my guests this month.

  5. I have all these ingredients on hand. I can't wait to make this for the kids this morning! They will love it. I love that its all good for them and they won't even realize it!

  6. Now this is a great way to fulfill a sugar craving without all the added calories. I love how easy it is too. My kind of breakfast for sure!

  7. What a great dessert! I'll be trying this one morning for sure. I do love my blueberries.

  8. A banana split for breakfast!? You are so smart! I love this idea and will be making it for my kiddos!

  9. Yum! Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. It's so important to make super easy and quick recipes. Blueberry banana split seems like a breeze to do.

  10. I have never seen a breakfast as yummy looking as this! I will have to make this soon. I am bookmarking it!

  11. A breakfast banana split is such a good idea. My daughter would really like if I made this for her.

  12. Chef Dennis11:17 PM

    Yum! This Breakfast Blueberry Banana Split looks sooo delicious. Never tried this combi before but I can't wait to try it now! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Sign me up for "dessert" for breakfast! Don't mind if I do!
    These look amazing, and I know they'd be a big hit with my kids!

  14. I love how healthy and beautiful this is! A breakfast we will all love. Yum!

  15. I love blueberries and bananas but I don't know of many combos using them. I do love a good muffin with both though, that is the best, well now I need to make this and I think it may top that one!

  16. My grand kids are going to go crazy for this! Just the name will have them licking their lips. (Rena)

  17. Mmmm....this banana split is perfect for breakfast, snack time or dessert! I'm craving one of these right now. :-)

  18. Oh yum!! I would eat this for breakfast or lunch any day.

  19. I was going to make banana split last week! This blueberry topping sounds delicious!

  20. yummy, this has to be one of the most delicious breakfast recipes I have ever seen, so delicious

  21. Tania9:29 PM

    What a fun idea! I can see myself hosting a DYI blueberry banana split party with this recipe!

  22. This is one of best breakfast recipes, it has everything in a bite, love blueberry banana combo. that to in banana split form.

  23. I think I need to make this right now, it looks so delicious.

  24. What a unique and interesting twist on the dessert.


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