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Avoidable Moving Mistakes

If you have the big moving day approaching fast, then you want to ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible. However, it’s easy to neglect or forget some elements. Here, we’re going to look at the common sources of trouble you should identify now instead of having to panic later.

 Not checking the new home ahead of time

Homes like to spring all sorts of problems on us, from plumbing issues to electrical problems to missing tiles in the roof and so on. You don’t want to move into a new home only to be blindsided when the lights won’t go on or there’s a worrying drip from the ceiling. Inspecting the home more closely before moving day if possible, can highlight any issues so you know how to tackle them ASAP.

Dealing with the mess on moving day

Your old home should be spotless when you leave, but that doesn’t mean you should spend all the moving day cleaning after yourself. A pre-move spring clean is in order, meaning you should only worry about light dusting and picking up whatever trash is left behind when you’re all packed up.

Leaving the plans too late

You should already have an idea of how you’re going to be moving home and who is going to help you. Whether you do it alone or with the help of trusted residential movers, you should know how much stuff you have to transport, how much space is needed to carry all of it, and whether or not you need any specialist equipment for heavier objects. You need time to research your local residential moving if you’re not going it alone, after all, to make sure they’re insured, that they have professional standard equipment and, most importantly, that your schedule works for them.

Not packing a first night bag

When possible, unpacking on the first day you move into a home is always recommended. However, that’s not always the case so you should at least ensure you have on hand what you need to survive a night with an overnight bag. This includes toiletries, any essential medication, some spare cash, and essential paperwork that shows your ownership of the home. You might even want to consider sleeping bags if you’re not able to get the beds fully set up on the first night.

Not updating the people who need to know

Some people are going to need to know that you’re moving, but some may make the mistake of assuming that they will somehow be notified automatically. For your credit card companies, utility providers, bank, and so on, you have to make sure you let them know you’re moving. Otherwise, your letters could keep going to any old address and you could be billed for the cost of a home you no longer live in.

Careful preparation and planning are crucial when moving home. Don’t leave anything to chance, have a schedule ready for the day, and reference this list again if you’re worried you’ve left anything out.

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  1. Yes yes yes! We def did a few things that we weren’t doing when we moved and it def needed to happen ha esp letting people knew we were moving!

  2. These are some great tips - there is so much that can wrong when you move but some of those things are avoidable if only you plan and let people help!

  3. I wish I had read this when we moved. We're a military family and move often! We had bought a house and I wish we had been able to check it out more.

  4. Great tips! I admit that I procrastinate whenever I move and I move A LOT, the joys of not owning a home. I always end up using trash bags to toss the rest of my stuff in and just get it out. So unorganized. Your tips will be helpful when we move again.

  5. I should be a professional mover I have moved so many times, but the one thing that saves me is writing on the box which room it goes in. Saves time and energy! Great tips! (Rena)

  6. Excellent tips! My friend was relocating to a new job and had residential movers who packed up her things and moved everything. She was so calm on moving day and not pulling her hair out like I was when I moved, lol. Next time, I'm hiring someone to do it - well worth it.

  7. Great tips. The last time we moved I forgot to pack a first night bag and what a mess trying to find some things later.

  8. These are important tips to follow. I always send messages to my mom whenever we reach our destination or something happened.

  9. I am going to be moving soon so these tips are right on time, I especially like the idea of packing a day 1 bag. Far too many times I have had to tear the house apart after moving because I couldn't find a piece I had packed away.

  10. The overnight bag for the first night is a great tip. I wouldn’t want to be exhausted and then have to dig around.

  11. These are great tips Terri! Moving can be stressful, so preparation and planning are very important.

  12. These are helpful tips. My mom just sold her home and prior to putting the house on the market, she hired a professional cleaner. It was a really good decision on her part.


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