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What I Read in June #ourgoodlifebooklist

Thank you for the great response to my May booklist!  I had lots of visitors and I was happy to talk all things book to anyone who wanted to!  This month I was able to read

1.  Park Avenue Summer by Renee Rosen  A historical fiction account of Helen Gurley Brown's work with Cosmopolitan magazine.  This is an A+ and definitely should be on everyone's list if you love reading about strong and successful women. Carefully researched by the author, this book has some wonderful pieces of history that were shared by friends of Helen Gurley Brown.  I read this in two days because I couldn't put it down. A real fun book, shares a lot of what it was like in New York City during the 60s.

2. My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George  This is a book that I read as a kid and continue to read from time to time over the course of my life. My dad was an outdoorsman, so this book wasn't as novel to me as it is to others, but I love reading Sam's adventures and how he cooked with foods foraged in the mountains. I love the times he met citizens from the town nearby, and all his adventures with Frightful, his falcon.

3. Wooing Cadie McCaffery by Bethany Turner  What a fun book!  Cadie is all about the romance, she has viewed nearly every romcom made and has memorized how the male always woos the female with such great romantic gestures. Cadie wants all that romance, too, and decides that her current boyfriend really doesn't want to be with her for the long haul, given that he hasn't even hinted at a proposal. She breaks up with him, and then the real adventures begin!  From this point on it is all about the romance!  Read my full review here!

4.  Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig Ziglar  This classic books is perfect for any profession that has you "closing the sale" in your work. Blogging, marketing, even teaching is about making people have trust in you in whatever you are doing. You can read my full review here.

5.  A Daily Rate by Grace Livingston Hill  Ok, Grace Livingston Hill books are my guilty pleasure. These delightful books were written in the 1930s/40s and are so sweet, kind and detailed about the nicest things, such as gardens, clothing, food, housing... and all with a thread of Christian romance running through them. I read and reread these books often as well!  There are several and look!  This book is under $1 at Amazon!

Other book reviews this month:

A Reluctant Belle by Beth White

Progress toward Goodreads Goal:  48/50 books!

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  1. Looks like a great list of books to me! Lets see what JULY will bring!!
    Man, I wish I had time to read books, I just don't though!

  2. I love to read but never seem to give myself enough time to do it. I love suspense and mystery and have a stack of books waiting for me.

  3. I remember reading My Side of the Mountain from when I was a kid. It still holds up to this day, and I would read it again, even share it with my older children!

  4. "Secrets of closing the sale"....that's a legendary one! I love it.

  5. I haven't heard of any of these at all! I need to get on top of my personal book list and maybe add these to it!

  6. Well, I will be adding a couple of these to my reading list for fall. I believe that my summer list is full!

  7. I have not read romance in many, many years. Maybe I'll pick one up for summer. For under a dollar, that can't be beat, and I bet I'd like it in the Christian genre.

  8. Oh I need that Zig Ziglar book! Thanks for sharing!

  9. A Daily Rate by Grace Livingston Hill seems like a good read. I hope I can read this book soon. I need to get it to my local bookstore!

  10. Those are some amazing selection of books. Wish I could have a break sometime and read some.

  11. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Good for you staying busy with a selection of books. I've read quite a bit this year and mostly non-fiction books.
    Elizabeth O


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